The Chosen One

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A week has passed and Nathan has already mastered many things. Later on he'll be hunting for the first time.

"You ready?" asked Christine resting her elbow on Nathan's shoulder.

"Yea, I still don't get why I'm only doing this now," Nathan answered while they followed Charles and Logan's path.

A loud roar was heard and a bear revealed itself. Attacking them all Charles dodged the bear while Logan confused the bear before his attack. He soon grabbed his spear from his back and stabbed the bear from behind but it swinged to much that Logan couldn't bare letting go. Charles  took the sign and helped the man. He jumped and threw his own spear at the bear's leg making at fall. Logan successfully jumped before the animal made contact with the ground. 

"That's why," Christine replied.

"Your turn now, Kumpel," Charles said in his German accent. Nathan nodded and looked for any animals nearby.
His clear vision was something he was getting used to. Scanning the area, he located a deer calmly eating its greens.

"Is that good?" he pointed at the animal.

"An easy target, go ahead," said Logan.


Back at the Smith's, Luna was having another visit. She and Tanner were still the same as before but they sure were more annoyed at each other. Giving the other looks and glares every hour or so while Ridge smirks at the two's attitude.

"Give it!" Luna reached for the grape juice she got from the Smith's fridge. Ridge said she was welcome to grab any snack since they were always in stock.

"No, it's mine," Tanner said raising his arm while he held the bottle.

"C'mon, I drank that yesterday too, and it was infront of you. You seemed cool about it," She tiptoed trying to reach. Then decided to push Tanner instead but he didn't budge.

"That's all you got?" Tanner retorted.

"What are you guys doing?" Footsteps were heard coming down and soon revealed Georgia in her night wear.

"He won't give the grape juice to me," Luna glared at the man still holding up what she wanted.

"Seriously? Tanner, give it to her," the older said, Tanner rolled his eyes and surrendered.

Luna grinned proudly and finally poured herself some juice.

"You wanna stay for the night?" Georgia grinned.

The two have been getting along these days. Georgia gave Luna a chance and soon enough they were hanging out almost everyday. Georgia also agreed on helping Ridge but the plan wasn't settled yet.

"Sure," Luna smiled and let her friend lead her the way to her room.


"Not bad Andrews," Charles proudly smiled with Christine smirking beside. They both waited for Nathan as he was cooking the deer.

He successfully advanced his skills and maybe sooner or later he'll be able to handle a bear.

Nathan grinned proudly at his success and felt powerful already. Charles exchanged small smiles with Christine and gaveba thumbs up.

"Come.. you have your next task," she stood up the log and Charles said he'll handle the food.

They both went up the mountain passing around a couple of snakes and owls hooting in the distance. The dark  sky was covered with stars that served the two's light.

They went up a steep path and were welcomed with a huge tree in their way.

"Woah," Nathan looked up, seeing the tree that grew a fruit he was unfamiliar with. It was magenta in color, shaped like a grape but it had a thin layer of shell covering what's inside. A few were scattered on the ground but it was blue in color. The tree was glowing and no torches were around it.

"Stark fruit," Christine started. "Basically a cousin of the tree of knowledge which was located in the garden of Eden. We aren't religious or anything but it almost bares the same power except the feeling naked part.
It helps us think better and have better senses than other vampires. Get one for me will you?"

"The blue ones?" Nathan asked looking around the fallen fruits.

"The blue ones are rotten, get the magenta ones,"

Nathan looked above and reached for the nearest branch that held a Stark fruit. After a few tries, he successfully held it and gave it to Christine but she hesitated for a moment as if she was afraid to touch it.

"You got it," she gave a relieved sigh.
"The fruit is supposed to be hard to retrieve since it only let's the Chosen ones touch it, you are them. Even Charles couldn't do it and he's a full blood," Christine held the fruit gently and examined the shell.
"We are almost ready for battle, this is the key,"

Nathan got a few more and went back to show Charles the delicacy. He was truly astonished to get a closer view of the fruit and gave praises to Nathan. Everyone gathered as Charles made an announcement.

"Everyone! The Stark fruit has been harvested and we found the Chosen one," he grinned, everyone clapped and gave compliments to Nathan. They were all in a cheery mood after that, while Nathan was still processing the moment and how much change he did to their coven.

"Great work, Kumpel," Charles patted his back and they all scattered as if nothing happened but still kept their smiles on their faces.


Back at the Smiths, the 3 siblings were gathered in the living room, waiting for Luna. The clock struck at 5:30am, Luna looked at their stern faces as she stood by the railing, her face showing a sleepy look. She became an early bird as she stayed with the Smith's, woke up at around 4am and couldn't sleep again after hearing the heavy raindrops falling. She went down and saw the sight of the boys aruguing, Tanner glared at Ridge and sneaked a glance at Luna above. He stood silent and signed Luna to sit. Rain was pouring and thunders were roaring. Her footsteps neared and crashed down the couch while Georgia appeared out of nowhere.

Georgia, Tanner and Ridge have been planning for the past few days. Luna tried not to eavesdrop at their arguments for the couple of times she caught them. Now they were all gathered, no one dared to speak, the room was filled with the rain pouring outside. Luna didn't bother making a move. Ridge got comfortable with the couch and started, staring straight at Luna.

"Me and these two have been planning. As you might know, a battle will come from Georgia's senses, this won't be simple. We have concluded that Nathan is their secret weapon, now that they have him in their coven they are probably getting ready. So . . . what we need is training," Ridge announced giving each other stern looks.

"We need to train, especially you Luna," He continued. "The three of us will take turns, Georgia will go first, Tanner, then me. We'll be teaching you different things that you'll need to remember. While we do that, our parents will gather our alliances to get ready for battle,"

Luna nodded. "Ok.. when do I start?"

"Dawn," Georgia said. "Now,"

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