Week Eight

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Bucky groaned, stretching out his back as he sat in the quinjet beside Sam. "That was awful."

"Man, you look like you've been hit by a truck." Sam chuckled, wincing as he did so. "I don't think I've had a mission that hard since... well since ever." Bucky shook his head, smiling through cracked lips.

"I don't even know what day it is..." Bucky laughed, resting his head against the jet's wall.

"Wednesday afternoon, we've been gone nearly six days." Bucky nodded, his eyes drifting closed. They shot back open quickly as Sam's words registered in his head.

"Wednesday?" He shouted, his mouth popping open. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Uh, I just did?" Sam frowned, throwing his hands up. "What's wrong?"

"Fuck, I missed my appointment with YN on Monday..."

"I'm sure she understands, Bucky." Bucky said, running his hands through his hair.

"No, I didn't tell her... And last time I left abruptly... she probably thinks I've flaked on her." Sam frowned, scratching his head.

"She's just your therapist, man? Why're you so pressed?" Bucky opened his mouth, a snarky reply about to be released but he stopped.

"I-" Bucky cleared his throat, looking away from Sam. "I just don't want to have to find a new therapist." Sam laughed, shaking his head.

"Whatever you say, man." Bucky tapped his foot. "Why don't you call her?" Bucky grimaced, pulling his pant leg up and grabbing his phone from his ankle holster. "Oh-" Sam said, eyeing the smashed screen in his hands. "That's ironic." Nodding, Bucky tucked the broken technology into his holster and sunk down in his seat.

YN shuffled around her kitchen, her eyebrows permanently knitted together in frustration. She was clenching her teeth, whisking a pot of ingredients when she lifted her nose into the air, an unfamiliar scent filling the air.

It took her a full five seconds before it clicked. "Fuck! The chicken!" She cried, dropping her spoon into the boiling water, shouting as it splattered over her hand, searing the skin. She bit back a whimper as she leant down into the oven, using her oven mitt to lift the burnt chicken out. "No." She groaned, stomping her foot as she dragged her eyes over the ruined meat. "Why do bad things happen to good people!" She screamed, squeezing her eyes closed as she tossed her mitt onto the counter.

"I think somethings burnt?" YN's eyes shot open, the woman spinning to her doorway where a large brunette stood sheepishly. "Hi."

"You know, there's this really cool thing us civilized people do, it's called knocking." YN grunted, turning away from Bucky who winced. "I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that, considering you have no moral coding, or whatever."

Bucky sighed, heaving off of the doorframe and moving back into her line of sight as she glared at the black skin of the chicken. "YN-"

"Dr. Hart." She stopped him, crossing her arms. YN refused to look up into Bucky's eyes, knowing she'd get lost in the oceanic scenery surrounding his dark pupils.

"Oh, is that how it is now?" Bucky asked, shaking his head at her stubbornness. "Well, Dr. Hart, I was away on a long mission. I smashed my-"

"You know, all I'm hearing right now is excuses." YN said, biting her lip as she tried to fight a smile. Bucky narrowed his eyes, leaning against the breakfast bar separating the two. "The decent thing would have been to tell me before you went away. I wasted my whole Monday morning waiting for you."

A Lesson In Hope (Bucky Barnes x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now