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This idea came from @malavika52,who was inspired by the film Dear Zindagi (Dear Life). So shout out to her who literally helps me with everything. xoxox

"Steve, I told you-" Bucky heard Steve huff, making the brunette turn away from him to shield the other from seeing his angered state.

"Buck, I'm trying to help you." Bucky squeezed his eyes shut, hating the annoyance in his best friend's voice. "It feels like you're not even trying."

Bucky sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I am, Steve. I swear." Steve groaned, now annoyed with himself that he'd upset Bucky.

"How?" Bucky flinched, not letting Steve see his anger shifting to fear. "How are you trying when every time I bring it up, you brush me off? Whenever you get back from a session, it's always the same spill about not being the right fit. Bucky you need to make the effort to talk to these people, they're professionals."

"Steve, I do try. They just don't understand." Bucky looked to his hand, the metal appendage glaring in the sunlight. "They've never dealt with a century-old super soldier that was manipulated and brainwashed by a terrorist organization and has a list one hundred pages long of all the people he's killed."

Steve swallowed, nodding his head as he realized how harsh he'd been. "I know, I'm sorry." Bucky nodded, still not turning to look at him. "Look, let's give therapy a rest for now. We'll have a look at another psychologist in a few weeks." Bucky felt his shoulders deflate at his best friend's words, nodding his head. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, Bucky turned, eyeing the blonde super solider with weary eyes. "I know you might thing I'm being pushy, I just want you to get the best care there is."

Sighing again, Bucky smiled, the feeling of his cheeks pulling up causing a weird sensation. "I know, pal. I appreciate it, really." Steve nodded, patting his shoulder. "I'm gunna go and get some air."

"Or are you going to see that dame down at the coffee shop?" Bucky felt his cheeks redden, having to quickly move to the door to stop his friend from seeing it. "I know you are."

"Give it a rest, Stevie." Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. "I'll be back soon."

Walking down and out of the shared Brooklyn apartment, Bucky kept his head low, his hood pulled up to cover and recognizable traits. The public had been divided on his pardon from the president. Some people were happy, sending him large smiles and thumbs up when he was recognized out with Steve, others were still horrified by him, cowering away into their seats or just leaving their seats altogether to get the hell away from him.

He found himself staring in through a window, the woman that had snatched his attention serving a customer with a large smile. Bucky had noticed her when he and Steve had gotten coffee a few weeks ago, she had smiled at him with bright blue eyes and perfectly straight teeth, not bothering about his past or the fact Captain America stood right next to him.

Elouise was her name, he had read it aloud when he had met her, making the blonde girl chuckle. Bucky swore he'd never heard something as sweet and harmonic as Elouise's laugh, the sound causing a shiver to run through his body just at the thought.

Elouise had called his name like the heaven's, beckoning him up to get a kiss from an angel, rather than a lousy espresso that barely did anything for him. Even though the coffee was rubbish and overpriced, Bucky always found himself heading there for his morning caffeine, rather than another shop only a block over.

Bucky bit his lip, contemplating going inside to get himself a drink, or even something to eat. He wanted any excuse to just talk to the walking, talking goddess. Steve had pressed him about asking her out, and the thought was truly tempting, but Bucky thought about how every night he curled up on the floor on his bedroom, his body shivering beneath his blankets. How every night he would wake up sweating, screaming or with his fist in a wall and thought better of asking the sweet girl on a date.

A Lesson In Hope (Bucky Barnes x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now