15. confirmed

218 11 5

Hope you enjoy reading this chapter!
Author's POV

Ordinary day at Ni-Ki's house.
Well, not really.
Jay's been staying at his house
for a few days now.
He keeps on blocking his parents'
calls, he's even scared to walk outside!
He actually hasn't even been outdoors
since the uh...big...situation.

Ni-Ki is 100% loving this though.
They've been hanging out 24/7, 
Ni-Ki is adoring it!
Jay is too.
They've been hugging, laughing,
maybe, possibly kissing...

But anyways,
today is going to be like
the rest of the others.
Staying at home.
I love being at home,
and I think most people agree.

Ni-Ki has been in the kitchen,
alone, for about an hour.
The sun rose up and out came
the joyful brightness Ni-Ki desired.

He made himself some hot chocolate
and stirred it with a spoon.
The reason why Ni-Ki woke up so early
was because of going to sleep
early the night before.
Don't ask why he did,
I don't know.

It was clearly morning,
around 8 am.
Ni-Ki had been sitting in the kitchen and
after 20 minutes, he became more
and more bored.

He started humming to some
songs he enjoyed, then started
looking outside the window
in front of him, admiring the bright sun.

This didn't occupy Ni-Ki for long though.
He has spent another 10 minutes
just sitting there, stirring
his hot-chocolate.
Usually Jay is up before him,
but not today, sadly.

Whenever Ni-Ki wakes up,
he always has someone to talk to.
When Sunoo was living with him,
the older would get out of bed
before the latter.

Now, Ni-Ki had no one.
Well, when he was by himself
he obviously was alone.
But he would usually call Jay.
Most of the time it was Jay. 

Ni-Ki pursed his lips before
standing up.
He walked into his room,
which Jay was sleeping in.
Ok, Ni-Ki didn't come in to
watch Jay sleep, that's creepy.
He just—sorry, I can't defend him...

One would say he was watching Jay sleep.
He was in a way, but not exactly.
Ni-Ki walked into the room to
see if the older was asleep.
Then stayed in there for a few minutes
"observing" the "room"...
He wasn't doing that, but it's fine!

This was when Jay slightly moved.
Jay was originally facing the
left side of the bed,
now he was facing the right.
The blanket was pretty much a mess.
Jay's foot was entirely exposed
and his hand was fully hanging
off the bed.

Ni-Ki walked to the side of Jay.
Not creepily, but sweetly :)
Ni-Ki was still standing when
he grabbed Jay's hand which
was hanging off the bed.

He held it in his and had a soft smile.
Ni-Ki massaged the older's hand,
enclasped their hands together
and even compared their hand sizes.

Jay obviously woke up from this.
Once Jay opened his eyes,
he was greeted with a smiling Ni-Ki.
Jay sat up, not noticing their hands
enclapsed together.

He was about to rub his face
when he finally saw their hands.
Jay looked up at Ni-Ki who was
still grinning.

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