Chapter 3

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As soon as Becky walked into the Nightmare Factory, she was impressed by what she saw.

She noticed both QT Marshall & Cody's older brother Dustin working with different wrestlers & was impressed by how they were as coaches. They gave great advice & were very encouraging.

Becky decided to stay back once Cody was in one of the rings.

However, she was caught off guard by what happened next.

As soon as Cody was in the ring, he motioned to her to join him.

"Why?" She asked. He came over to her.

"Because I figured that it would be cool to have someone help me with today's session," said Cody. "But if you don't want to, I won't force you to."

Becky thought about it for a moment. Seeing the various students filing in made her realize that helping Cody wouldn't be a bad idea.

"OK, I'll help out today," she said with a smile. She then got in the ring & got to work.

It turned out to be a fun time for her. The students were very eager to learn, asked her lots of questions, & one aspiring wrestler named Alessandra even had a practice match with Becky, which was a lot of fun.

As she watched Cody, his brother Dustin, & QT Marshall work with the various wrestlers, Becky began to feel inspired.

Seeing all these fresh faces coming in & wanting to learn about pro wrestling made Becky realize that maybe it would be a good idea to get her own wrestling career going again.

There was one problem though.

She wasn't sure if a company like AEW was the right fit for her.

Sure there were several people that Becky knew from WWE who were now established in AEW like Miro & Chris Jericho, but she just wasn't sure if she wanted to be known as another ex-WWE star who went to AEW.

However, she was shaken out of her thoughts by someone coming up behind her.

She was simply watching Cody working with a tag team when she heard someone say, "Hello, Rebecca."

She jumped & turned around to see who it was . She was now in shock.

Becky was now staring at an old friend of hers from WWE, Jon Moxley.

The last time she had seen him was his last day on Monday Night Raw, which had been in 2019. While she had been aware of the success he would have in AEW including him beating Jericho to become AEW world champion, she hadn't really kept up with it.

Now here she was face to face with him, & she didn't know what to say to him.

Jon, however, did know what to say.

"What brings you here to the ATL?" he asked. Becky snapped out of it & answered him.

"Just moved here," she said. Jon nodded.

"Want to give me the reason why?" he asked. She shook her head no.

"That's OK, Becks," he said with a smile. He then noticed that Cody was motioning to him so he left.

Becky was now back in shock. She couldn't believe that she had just seen Jon Moxley again after such a long time.

She had no idea what effect he would have on her.

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