Chapter 2

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The following day started out pretty tense for Becky, & there was a reason why.

She had decided to call her ex-husband Seth Rollins & ended up regretting it.

As soon as he answered the phone, his girlfriend Susie Bates began yelling at Seth & making fun of Becky. It was then that Becky told him that she would call him back because she couldn't talk to him with Susie around.

That was when Becky grabbed Roux & decided to explore Atlanta to see if she liked it there.

As she drove around, only stopping once to grab ice cream cones for herself & Roux at a local ice cream parlor, Becky found herself impressed by the city nicknamed The Gate City.

There were rolling hills, loads of beautiful trees, & great neighborhoods. Becky was very impressed, & it was then that she had made her decision.

Atlanta was going to be her & Roux's new home.

With that in mind, Becky & Roux headed back to the hotel where she decided to call Seth again.

This time he answered, & Susie wasn't anywhere around, which was a relief for Becky.

"Hey," he said sadly.

"Hey yourself. You OK?" Asked Becky. She then heard a sigh.

"No because I miss you & Roux," said Seth.

Hearing that he missed her & their daughter pulled at Becky's heartstrings, but what had been done was done. There was no going back, & he knew it.

"So have you decided on where you're going to live yet?" Asked Seth.

"I have. I've decided to live here in Atlanta," said Becky.

"That's not a bad place so I have no problem with it. I just hope that we can work out visitation & all of that if we're going to co-parent Roux," said Seth. Becky just nodded, but she wasn't feeling so sure.

As long as Susie Bates was around, co-parenting Roux was going to be very difficult.

Still, Becky knew that Seth wanted to be a part of Roux's life no matter what was going on between the two of them.

After a couple of more minutes, Becky hung up & decided to go online to look at real estate listings now that she was going to be living in Atlanta.
Two days later, Becky, who had left Roux with a cousin who lived in an Atlanta suburb, was simply driving around when she decided to check out the Nightmare Factory, Cody Rhodes's wrestling school.

While she was still unsure about resuming her wrestling career after leaving WWE, Becky figured it wouldn't hurt to check & see what the place was all about.

However, she wasn't expecting to see the man himself, Cody Rhodes, there.

He saw her & waved her over. The two friends then embraced.

"How are you, Becks? What brings you here to Atlanta?" asked Cody.

"Got divorced & decided to move," said Becky.

"I'm so sorry about that, Becks. At least I hope you like it here," said Cody.

"Well, I'm liking it here already in the short amount of time I've been here," said Becky with a smile.

"That's great, Becks. So do you want to check this place out? I can show you around & introduce you to everyone," said Cody. Becky nodded & off they went inside the Nightmare Factory.

Becky just hoped that she knew what she was doing.

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