Why am I so nice.?!

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Everything was going smoothly, it had been a few days since noor had started working on her new project, which was going on fledge she used to give her 100% in her work and which was appreciated and praised..

It was a weekend, noor was cleaning her house while listening to music...and thats when she receives a call....

Who is calling right now... She saw the caller, it was a anonymous number, she answered the call :

Noor-: hello

Person-: heyyy..!! How are you.?

Noor - : ohh hi suhana...

Suhana - : heyy u remember me..

Noor - : ofcourse man, you aren't someone who can be easily forgotten dear..

Suhana-: aww thanks, anyways I am calling to ask you out..

Noor - : whattt....?!

Suhana started laughing..

Suhana-:  I meant i was calling to let you know , that me and my friends are going to a party tonight..

Noor-: ohkay and..?!

Suhana-: and you are coming with us..

Noor - : what, noo.... I can't do that..

Suhana-: whyy..?!

Noor-: well u know because you are my client, and..
Suhana cutt her off in between -

Suhana-: ohh just shut up.. We became friends before we became your clients ohkay,..

Noor-:but still, sorry but I don't think I am gonna be able to make it, i have a lot of pending work, u know..

Suhana-: pending work as in..

Noor-:well i have to clean,my house, reset my wordrobe, go for shopping,

Suhana - : noor everything can be done later man... Why are you being a spoil sport.. Please..

Noor - : but i have to go shopping..

Suhana - :well we can do that together, i mean i am free rn lets go shopping rn..

Noor - : ohh really, cool i am down for it, but only shopping.. I am not going to that party of your please...

Suhana-: ohh that we will see sweetheart.. Anyways send me your address I'll get ready and come to pick you..

Noor - :cool... 😂Anyways bubye..

Suhana-: bye..

Noor tossed her phone on the bed and went to get ready..

After almost 3 hours of shopping, they were really tired and decided to grab lunch somewhere, they were having some deliciously amazing Italian cuisine and talking about various things thats when suhana asked her...

Suhana-: so are you seeing someone right now..!?

Noor-: umm no, although I like to tease my husband that i have made a boyfriend in mumbai..

Suhana literally choked on her food and started coughing..

Noor got up and went next to her and started creasing her backk...

Suhana - : u.. U have a.. (she wasn't able to say anything.) .

U are married..? (she said finally)
Her expressions were completely shocked and sad, but why sad, maybe for aryan,, lol..

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