The 'New Intern'

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(she is so not like other girls...)
Aryan thought in his mind...

He then suddenly realized that suhana was staring at him..

Aryan-: what are you  staring at dumbo..

Suhana couldn't control anymore and burst out laughing....

Suhana-: ohhh..... Godddd... (in middle of her laugh)... She literally busted your baloon of ego with her tiny finger nail bhai... 😂😂..hahaha....
... "Well as much as I hate to admit it, suu was right" aryan thought in his mind...

Aryan-: yaa well shut up now..(a bit angrily)

But suhana  just wasn't able to control her laughter rn...

Aryan dragged her by her arm towards their mother's cabin...

They went into  gauri's cabin, and gauri was really confused as in what was wrong with her children...
Coz suhana had literally turned red and was laughing so hard that tears were coming out of her eyes... And on the other hand aryan seemed  really pissed at her...
Definitely something unexpected and interesting happened today, gauri thought to herself...

Suhana, aryan what happened..?!

Aryan - : yeahh nothing.. Aryan said rolling his eyes..

Suhana - : why lying big bro... Tell mom what happened... She said raising a brow at aryan..

He gave her a death glare...
And suhana rolled her eyes at him...

Gauri - : anyways my beautiful children...i have called u both here to let u know that i have found an amazing person who can help me in  handling the interior designing of our new house in London...

She is an intern but i feel she has the potential to do anything and everything...

"Whoa its a girl" , aryan whispered in suhana's ear, (winking) 😉

"Ughhh pervert alert".. Suhana whispered back...

Aryan was not actually an playboy or anything like that.. He just liked to irritate suhana and make her awkward.. Although there is always something scandalous printed or posted about him, but it's not really true..
Aryan really liked keeping his life private.. Only  very few people knew how he really was...
And disrespecting woman was not something he ever did... Well not intentionally..

Gauri continued, " anyways i haven't had a conversation with her about this yet.. I'll do it an--

Just call her here rn and tell her no.. We will also be able to see who has inspired 'the amazing gauri khan so much', suhana interrupted in between...

Yeahh, wait ill call her in my cabin..
Gauri said and picked her intercom and told her manager to send noor in her cabin..

Aryan and suhana were engrossed in their phones when they heard a knock at the door.. A clerk came and informed gauri that they needed her in the technical room...

Gauri excused herself and went out of her cabin...

Thats when suhana's phone rang, she got up from her chair  picked her call and left talking on her phone..

Aryan was left alone in the cabin..

He was just randomly scrolling through his phone thats when he heard a knock on the door..

"Come in", he said in his typical aryan khan tone..

The door slightly opened and   a really soothing aroma spread in the whole room... Waitt... He knew this smell... The girl in the corridor smelled exactly like this...

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