The cosplay saga

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It was quite the lovely morning at the Rockhead High School Gym. The sky was clear, the weather just fresh enough, and all the students were spending their Sunday out playing or going out with friends or what not. Well, all of them except for a small group of four students, who were currently sitting on the bleachers wasting the morning away. From their impatient looks, it seemed the four boys were waiting for either something to happen, or more specifically, someone to arrive. One of them – a tall, blond boy in a dark red shirt – looked into his watch, before letting out a sigh.

"Damn it, where is she?" he said, crossing his arms exasperated. "She said she'd be here by 9:00. It's 9:46!"

"Calm down, Eric," replied another boy, one wearing a white button-up shirt and thick-rimmed glasses who was sitting on the bottom section. The brown-haired boy pushed his glasses up before turning back to look at his friend. "She probably got stuck in traffic or something."

"How do you know?" huffed Eric. "Did you try calling her or something?"

"I did." Both boys turned their attention to their friend standing a few meters from the rafters, leaning on one of the basketball poles. The black haired boy took his hands out of his green sweater's pockets, one of them holding his cellphone. "No answer from her. Either it's turned off, or she's driving. So Lenny's probably right."

"Thanks, Scott," said the glasses boy, Lenny. Scott simply waved before leaning back on the pole again. He was usually a very quiet person, the boy noted; there was still a lot he didn't know about him. Still, he was usually the first to get him out of problems and arguments, so he was willing to give it a pass.

"Man, what do you think she's going to show us?" the last boy said. The redhead crossed his arms behind him as he leaned back on his seat, letting out a small chuckle. "The hype's killing me!"

"Well, Meg did say it was a surprise," Lenny said, standing from his seat and walking back and forth to give his legs some movement. Even if he was considered the class nerd, that didn't mean he couldn't take care of his body. "I'm assuming it has something to do with the competition at the local con that's coming tomorrow. Maybe our new costumes?"

"If so, why so secretive?" replied the redhead, a smile still plastered in his face. "We're the only members of the club, and it's not like there are other clubs like ours in town, so what gives?"

"No idea," said Eric, holding his head in his arms with an obvious expression of boredom. "You know how Meg works, Don. She's all about being 'mysterious' and all that jazz." To emphasize his point, he made all sorts of "mystical" hand motions, something which made Lenny raise an eyebrow.

"Well, let's just wait a little more," he said, scratching his head. "If she's not here by 10:00, then fine, we can–"

"SORRY I'M LATE, YOU GUYS!" All eyes on the gym turned towards the east entrance, where one girl made her entrance, along with some...unexpected guests. The girl was wearing a very baggy green t-shirt, along with some baggy sweatpants. Her light-brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. She pushed her glasses up as she made her way in with one arm, while her other arm was holding a rather large and heavy-looking bag.

However, the four boys took notice of the other people entering with her. Namely, a small, black haired boy wearing a yellow and blue shirt, a small backwards cap, and blue shorts, who was currently pushing a stroller with a baby in it. The boy looked no older than five, maybe six, and he also carried a small bag with him.

"Meg! Where do I put the baby? I wanna play Pokemon now!" the boy groaned, pushing the stroller with the baby to the side and looking at Meg with an annoyed face.

"Not now, can't you see I'm busy?!" replied the brunette, looking at the little boy with a smiling face which betrayed her anxiety. She ignored the boy for the moment, rushing towards the bleachers and setting down the large bag on one of the seats. Letting out a refreshed breath, she stretched her arms a bit, before turning to look at her friends, some of who were still looking at the boy and the stroller with curiosity. She rolled her eyes and cleared her throat, catching her friends' attention.

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