Brahms and an Insecure S/O

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•What do you mean you think you're ugly?? What??? Who the fuck taught you that?????
•The Boy is absolutely baffled
•This is absurd what--
•He's confused at first, shaking his head at you, and any further insults to yourself of any kind just pisses him off
•You don't get to insult yourself! That's just as bad as someone else insulting you! Except he can't hurt them for saying it because them is you
•He doesn't get it
•He thinks you are absolutely stunning from top to bottom, inside and out.
•It takes him a long time to calm down sometimes, occasionally yelling at you about how wrong you are
•He isn't taking this well bros--
•Eventually though, he gets it
•He can't stand looking himself in the mirror, mask or not. He might have one in his room, but it's not like he'll ever look at it unless it's absolutely necessary
•He doesn't know how to help you in any proper way, so he tries the way that his parents helped him
•Which is by far one of his stupidest ideas, but he's trying
•He crafts you a mask so when you're scared of yourself, you can hide behind it. But he still thinks you're pretty on your own so he wants to see it off sometimes
•You might take this as an insult at first, but then you realize that he's not normal and he's just trying to make you feel happy with yourself in the only way he feels happy with himself
•He also gives you a hiding spot so when you feel sad you can hide with him
It is in the walls of course
•He does everything he can but talk about it, he just doesn't know how
•He's trying so hard bro--
•When he realizes some of these things aren't helping however, he tries your methods
•When he tells you what he's insecure about, you assure him, making him feel better and like himself more
•You call him handsome, smart, give him kind words and you prove him wrong
•He does the same things for you now, instead at a high degree
•Absolutely showering you in compliments and hugs and gifts to prove you that you're worth it
•It is kinda like whip lash at first, but you get used to it eventually
•It helps, as long as you're listening and letting what he says to you
You can't be helped with your insecurities if you're not accepting the help. You deserve to be helped, don't tell yourself otherwise
•When you call yourself stupid, Brahms asks for your help on something that you're intelligent with, and sometimes teaches you something. You're not stupid
•When you call yourself ugly, he will give you kisses and hugs in all the possible ways he can, pointing out all his favorite features. Including your cheekbones, eyes, jaw, everything he can point out until you're exhausted by his compliments and you just had to agree with him. You are gorgeous
•If you say you're worthless, he will take you around the house and point out everything you've cleaned for him, point out the deliciousness of the meals you've made for him, point out the smile you give him every time you tuck him into bed and kiss him goodnight. You are not worthless
•You are not expendable, you are smart and you are perfect. Maybe you don't know everything in the world, or you can't do math that well, or english is not your strong suit. You are not dumb. Maybe you aren't a model, or you don't get all the likes on Instagram or something, or your crush doesn't like you. You are beautiful and or handsome regardless. You, most certainly, are not worthless
•You mean something to this world, and you matter
•Brahms will do anything to prove that to you, and eventually with time, you'll have to acknowledge the truth of his words.
•You are smart, you are gorgeous, and you matter
•If, by chance, you have more than just insecurities, he will do what he can to be there for you with that as well
•He loves you and cares for you, he wants you to be happy. Perhaps he isn't the best, given how selfish he is, he also isn't stingy and all too horrible.
•He will love you when you can't love yourself, and by the time you start loving yourself, then you will be loved twice as much
•Brahms is very proud of you and your progress
•As much as you are proud of his
•You are not alone

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