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First Person P.O.V - (Y/N)
Warning: A big ol time skip, about a week passes in the first paragraph and half of the second week in the next descriptive paragraph.

-The next day of the weekend, Brahms asks to leave for a walk. Then, he ends up cutting out a couple of hours of study time to go on another walk. He spoke to Winona for a good five minutes before his false confidence gave out and he couldn't anymore, and I couldn't express how happy I was to see this kind of progress. I show it in desserts however, and he's definitely noticing it.
-I was doing my best to bake up a batch of brownies(failing horribly at it mind you, given I didn't have all the utensils I needed), when he came up and said it outright.
-"We can go to Loki's party." Brahms tells me, and I look up at him with a bewildered expression.
-"We can go to Loki's party."
-"Why do you want to?" I ask, tilting my head slightly as I set what was in my hands down to the side. "I mean, I can imagine you'd hate being in a room full of people you've never met before in your life.. You do realize that's what is going to happen, right?"
-"No one talks to me anyways."
-"Well it's a party, someone might try."
-"I can be mute."
-"Well I think you ought to know sign language in order to pull that off, and then I'd need to.. Plus, Loki knows you can talk. It's not like we're going out to eat or something as simple as that."
-"I can handle it! I talk to Winona now, and you told me I'm doing a good job."
-I part my lips before I shake my head. "You're not ready Brahms, not at all." He reaches for my pocket and abruptly pulls the phone right out. I reach for it, but all he does is raise his hand up in response to keep it above my height. "Brahms."
-"I'm telling Loki we're going."
-"Why do you want to go so bad?"
-"Because I can." He turns around, and I give up on trying to get a hold of it.
-The date was set in calendar, and of course I was dreading the day, as well as curious and just completely nervous. Each day it moved closer. When the day came, I felt my stomach turn in knots as Brahms had me order a taxi that would take me to the place. Getting there was no trouble at all, even though I was hoping it would be. By the time we got out of the car, the tightest hand in Brahms and I's connection was mine.
-"Are you scared?" Brahms asks me, and I look up to view his nonchalant eyes. "I am too. But you're going to protect me, and I'm going to protect you."
-The childish tone of his voice does not make me feel too comforted, but I smile up at him anyways, forcing my grip to loosen. "I know. Thank you Brahms."
-He nods, and his grip tightens when the door to the house opens and it is Loki who greets us. For the first time I witness them smile at me, arms open. "Hey! Thought you losers were going to chicken out on us."
-"Nope!" I shake my head, and we walk towards the house. "Hey, did you say anything about Brahms at all?"
-"I told them some down bad tall doll man was going to come in to the party with his bestie but I didn't tell them anything about him murdering four different people in his life time and hiding from the police."
-"Alright, cool.. I think." I glance up at Brahms for a moment, and Loki beckons us towards the house. We enter the building and Brahms suddenly steps close to me, his body pressing against my back when some people look at us, stare at him and then look away.
-Oh boy.
-"Allen is in the kitchen." Loki points off to the right. "I'd keep an eye out for going anywhere near hi. He likes to be mean."
-"Thank you Loki."
-I press my lips together tight before I take a deep breath and I let it out, looking up at Brahms who seemed far more fearful than he was a minute ago. I can't help but smile about how right I know I am, he's just not ready.
-"Hey, if you wanna go home, we can go home." He looks down at me, stares for a couple of seconds before he shakes his head. I frown slightly at this, but I make myself smile right after. "Well aren't you brave."
-I hear Loki scoff and walk away into the next room, in which I end up pulling Brahms along with me to the empty couch. The party was loud, and everyone we pass looks at Brahms funny, some giggle but some just look away and ignore him. That was until one of them stops in front of him and he freezes immediately.
-"Hey, sick mask dude. Where'd you get it?"
-I open my mouth to speak for him, but then Brahms ends up talking on his own.
-"I made it myself." He didn't sound angry, and he certainly didn't sound afraid, but with the deep masculine tone of his voice, it caught me off guard plenty.
-"Oh shoot really? You're really good at it then. If I paid you to make me one would you be up for it?" Brahms nods silently. "Cool. Lemme give you my number real quick, Loki said that you two don't have phones."
-"Well, I.." I stop talking when I feel my back pocket, and I furrow my brows. "I guess we don't."
-The kid nods, and I watch him hand the piece of paper to Brahms before giving him a peace sign and walking away. I can't help the smile, and Brahms looks down to catch it.
-"You did amazing Brahms." I whisper to him. "Using your deeper voice was a good move."
-"It is?.. Okay.. I thought it was dumb."
-"No, not at all.. It is your real voice isn't it?" He nods. "It's very handsome. Did I ever tell you that?" He shakes his head. "Well now you know."
-"Thank you."
-"..Also my phone is gone." He tilts his head. "I put it in my pocket and then it just disappeared, I think I dropped it in the taxi or something."
-"The pictures are gone then?" I nod. ".. I'm upset."
-"I'm sorry Brahmsy.. How about we sit down, alright?" I pull him along with me and we sit down on the loveseat sofa, and he keeps a tight hold of my hand while his other hand sits in the palm of his lap.
-I can tell this is awkward for him, and that he's uncomfortable. Unruly music he's not used to, all the talking and the people, I'm surprised he's not covering his ears yet. He's looking around however, taking in all the people and the environment, and he absentmindedly pulls his cardigan over his chest. He's insecure, I can see it, and all I can do is lean against him.
-"..Mom and Dad used to have parties." Brahms explains, and my head lifts to listen. "When I was seven they brought all of their friends to celebrate Christmas, it was a party. I got a chess board and a bunch of other things. That was my last Christmas, my last party."
-"We're going to have plenty of other Christmases in our future, Brahms. Don't worry."
-"You promise?"
-"I promise."
-He then leans onto me back, and I close my eyes despite the noise. I wouldn't have felt this safe in this house if it weren't for Brahms, I could tell that already. Although his odd appearance is what catches eyes, I know I would be having to deal with the loneliness plus random conversations with strangers if it weren't for him.
-After a few minutes I stand, and I reach down for Brahms to pull him up. He looks at me inquisitively, and I smile up at him before I pull him along to the next room. He stepped in closer to my being and eventually he catches on to the sight of all the people dancing. Or at least in his mind "dancing" has the biggest quotation marks he's ever seen. When I start doing it however, he looks at me like I'm nuts before he casually bounces on the balls of his feet in response.
-"Oh c'mon Brahms, you have more energy than I do!" I poke him in the chest.
-"This song sucks."
-"All the songs are going to suck to you. C'mon, just dance."
-"This isn't dancing."
-"Then jump you dork." I jump up in front of him before just doing random body movements, following whatever beat I can even though I don't even know the song.
-He looks around the room before he does what everyone else is doing, just slower and less sporadic. But as he watches me do it, his energy picks up, and finally he actually looks like he's having fun here. I reach for him and take his hands, and that is when he starts to actually enjoy it, stepping closer to me and spinning around with my hands in his. I can hear him laughing, and I'm pretty sure it's the first time he's ever actually laughed out loud, but then again I couldn't be too sure given the room was so loud.
-He reached low and picked me up off the ground to twirl me, and I hugged him tight as he spun me. The people around us looked at us funny, but clearly Brahms stopped caring a while ago, setting me down and absolutely busting moves that look way too much like ballerina reenactments from a newbie, just without the legs being thrown about. I can't help but laugh at him as he tries to twirl and then stumbles forward to catch his balance. He looks at me and I can tell by the way his eyes look that he was smiling, and I reach forward and grab him by his elbows.
-"Careful Brahms, you don't want to fall." I say as loud as I can, and he nods in response to me, before he steps up close and wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. I hug him back, and the feeling of dread is finally passing me by.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now