SFW Alphabet

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Don't worry your innocence is safe this time around 👀
Gender Neutral

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

-Brahms is very affectionate physically.
-Talking isn't his strong suit, so he can't explain to you how much he loves you unless he rehearses a fancy poem he found in a book or something
-He will hug you, cuddle you, love you.
-His love language is physical; but there's also some acts he does to show he loves you, and he shows his affection by helping you with chores, cooking with you, spending time with you
-He wants everything to do with you

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

-He is your only best friend and no one else can be your best friend
-Friendship came as an accident really, and the only chance you would make it as only a friend is if he already had someone else, because he will most likely fall in love with anyone who wants be his first friend, aside from Emily
-Prepare to let out your inner child, because you are playing dolls, pillow fights, anything that would entice a young boy
-As a friend, you are important to him, and if you are both his best friend and his lover, you best bet you will be treated like you're the last piece of gold on earth

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

-Constant cuddling. When you aren't in the middle of teaching him something or playing caretaker for him, he wants a hug
-Then he wants to lay down with you and have you hold him, and him hold you
-He likes laying on top of you, but he's a bit too big so he had to be careful about it as to not crush you and kill you with suffocation.
-If he can't lay on you, then you're being held like a stuffed animal and that's like heaven
-He doesn't want to hurt you, it's like breaking his favorite toy. Except you're more than a toy, and he won't ever treat you like one.
-You are not to be played with. You are to be cuddled 😤

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

-Brahms is more than ready to settle down and stay in one place for the rest of his life. He's done it for twenty years, why not for another forty-fifty years?
-Cooking and cleaning isn't something he enjoys though, but he'll do it if it means you'll stay with him
-Cooking isn't his best strong suit, being a picky eater, he only knows the things he likes
-But have you seen the room he lived in for twenty years??
-That shit hella organized
-He knows how to clean, and how to keep clean
-Mans has got some sort of OCD of some kind, and it probably isn't good for him either in certain things, but it definitely helps with keeping the house clean at least

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

-Brahms would never. If there was a breakup, you'd have to run from him
-He'd lock you up as a last resort, kidnapping you.
-You are lucky to escape this large behemoth, he can run, and a game of tag with him proves that
-You would have to have a Malcolm to sacrifice
-You would have to kil him
-Another way of breaking up is him accidentally killing you
-That is a whole angsty treat in itself, because lord knows he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

-Immediately. As soon as you are dating you are married, not unless you say something to oppose it
-He doesn't talk about it neither, he just imagines that as soon as you and him kiss the first time that you are husband and {marriage}.
-If you are considering him your boyfriend, he will find you a ring and then you'll be permanent

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now