Brahms and Kids

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Keep in mind this headcanon is suitable for everyone, which means the child can be adopted and/or blood related.

•Oh boy. Ohhh boy.

•His interactions with children make him look like he'd be the absolute best dad in the world. Under the circumstances that he's at the park and a child wants his attention, he drops his maturity immediately.

•He knows how to make them laugh, how to treat them like they're meant to be. He understands more than any adult ever why a kid has a tantrum, and he knows how to handle it.

•Most parents don't like him given he's a terrifying 6"3 man with a mask, but some believe the who prosthetic face and amnesia lie we made up so that he can play in the kiddie's park and no look like a fool as much

•The man works well with kids, and communicates better with them as long as they aren't ill mannered.

•Now, it's a completely different story if he owns one.

•If by chance you want kids, he'll seriously debate it. With enough convincing, he is talked into it, and therefore he now owns his own little demon spawn.

•He is not having it, nosiree

•You're meaning to tell me that I gotta take care of them???? Like you take care of me?????? I have to do it with you???

•He starts feeling bad for you when they throw a tantrum, because he knows he's done it, and the smaller version of them still scares him even with his own size being so large.

•The wuss doesn't wanna get hurt

•He apologizes for every tantrum ever caused by him because of it. Doesn't mean he changes.

•He is not good with raising kids, and he will have to grow up a lot in order to pull off having one. When he does though, he's still not the perfect father figure.

•He yells back when they yell, cry when they say something horrible to him. Surprisingly enough they still matter to him though, and he takes everything they say just as seriously as he takes you.

•He could never love anyone more than you though. He'd toss the infant if it meant you'd be happy and heighten the chances you'll stay with him forever.

•On the brighter side, when Brahms isn't acting like a child, he is once again a good man. He carries them and comforts their being when they cry.

•He dances with them, holding them in his arms as he twirls at their preferred pace to the sounds of classical music.

•He plays with his food with them, introduces them to games and the walls. Teaches them how to taxidermy, garden, everything. He's a great teacher, and he teaches them the violin and piano as well.

•He lays with them when you read the both of them to bed, and a lot of the time Brahms is falling alseep first. Then your child is a laughing mess as thet try to wake him up, but he's out like a log. Then they fall asleep together and you can get a hot bath and some whine 💅

•Hard being a single parent💅💅💅

•When he's not listening with them, he's the one reading to them. His soft and alluring voice comes out and he leads them to slumber land

•Moments like these make him happy that he agreed to this, feeling at peace when he sees their sleeping face safe and sound.


•You want two?

•You already have two. Brahms and your kid.


•Prepare to never sleep again. I don't need to explain how chaotic that'll be.

I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)Where stories live. Discover now