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Year 1979

Lily and James Potter are having a heated argument because of Severus Snape, Lily's childhood friend. Lily wants to reconnect with him, but James is against it because Snape had insulted Lily with a very offensive word for a muggleborn and he still hasn't apologized. Them being very angry at that moment don't realize what they are saying and James let slip that he had discovered that he is infertile and when Lily hears this, she stops arguing and looks at James heartbroken because she really wants to have her own kids.

Lily: Did you say that you're infertile?

James: Uh, yes sorry that I didn't tell you before.

Lily: Okay, let me... let me leave for a bit. I- I have to digest this.

With that Lily leaves the Potter Manor and goes to a bar in the Muggle London to drink her sorrow away, she really wanted a child of her own, but she loved James very much.

In the bar, Lily meets a handsome man with whom she spends all the night talking about what had happened while she drank cup after cup. Before realizing it or because she was too drunk to realize what was happening, she ended in a hotel in the bed with the stranger.

The next day

Lily wakes up feeling a little hangover, but when she opens her eyes, she realizes that she is not in her bedroom in Potter Manor. She looks at herself and sees that she doesn't have any clothes on her. Suddenly, she feels dread crawling in her when she realized that he has cheated on her husband.

After realizing it, she starts to get herself dressed to return to the Manor to talk to James, while also seeing that the man from the last night had already left.

When Lily arrives at Potter Manor, she realizes two things. One, James hasn't left the living room since the night before and two, he probably drunk his sorrows away like her, considering the empty bottles of fire whiskey that are in the floor.

When Lily closes the front door, James wakes up startled, but at seeing Lily, he goes running at her while crying.

James: Lily, please, I'm sorry, please don't leave me. We can look for something to have a kid, I really want to have one too. Please, I love you.

Lily: No-

Lily starts crying trying to formulate the words that she had cheated, but James understood that she doesn't wants to continue being with him, so he starts crying more.

Lily: No, James. Please, forgive me, I'm so sorry. I was so drunk and I didn't know what I was doing, fuck, I don't even remember anything. I love you too, but I don't think you will forgive me.

James: Lils, wha- what are you talking about?

Lily: I'm sorry. Yesterday, I went to a bar and I don't know. I only remember that I started drinking and before I knew it, I woke up this morning in a hotel room naked. I'm so sorry James, I really love you, if I had been conscious, I will never had done that.

James: You were drunk?

Lily nods.

James: You remember with who?

Lily: No.

James: And you really love me? Even if I can give you the kids that you want?

Lily: James, love, I don't mind that, we can look at solutions, I really love you and I wouldn't want to leave you.

James: Then I don't mind, but I don't want you to drink more than one cup of alcohol in the future.

Lily: Yes, I wasn't planning on it anyways, I don't really want that to happen again.

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