We could be brothers

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Wilbur POV

We have been walking for hours. Every time we see an animal we try to kill it, typically to no success, though Tubbo did just kill a chicken. Between three people though, it's not enough to last. We have been taking berries we knew weren't poisonous and tried to keep those and that's been our main source of food.

We have been looking for a clearing in this forest, and seemingly have been failing. My legs are aching, my heart is pounding, and my feet yearn for a break.

"Wilbur," Tommy said, dragging out the u. "I'm tired, can we please break for food?"

"Yes, please," Tubbo joined in. "We can find a clearing later, I want to eat."

"Fine," I agreed reluctantly. "But only because Tubbo asked."

"Not faiiiiir!" Tommy whined. "Why is he the favorite!? He was found in a box!"

"Well he doesn't complain constantly." I laughed.

"You're so mean, Wilbur." Tommy pouted, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Wait tommy!" Tubbo yelled running towards him. "That's a trap!"

Just as tubbo had said, it was in fact a trap. A rope net popped up from the ground, Tommy screeched as he and Tubbo were pulled up into the net and hanging.

"Why wouldn't you look where you were going?" Tubbo face palmed. "It was so clear to see. Wilbur, can you help instead of laughing?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming," I said

As I was walking towards them to help them get down, we ran into a slight problem. I got caught as well, whoever it was that set these up, they were clearly expecting a group of people. In my defense this one was at least hidden.

"So what do we do now?" Tubbo asked, while elbowing a laughing Tommy.

"That's a good question," I said, struggling to get down. I did not succeed. "Just try to get down I guess. I left the knives down by the backpack."

So we waited, and waited, and waited some more. Hoping one of us would come up with a bright idea. News flash; we didn't.

After a while we started hoping that whoever set this trap would come and end us soon, so we would go out quickly, not starving to death.

"Who are you?" A unfamiliar voice said. I looked over to see a pink haird pig hybrid person standing there, and axe drawn. "And don't lie, me and the axe of peace don't like liars."

"Who the are we!?" Tommy yelled, putting on his so called 'man voice'. "Who the f*ck are you b*tch!? You set a trap and then threaten us oh when I'm done with you, you'll—"

"Answer the question." The pig spoke again. He had already moved from his tree to Tommy, his axe digging into Tommy's skin, slightly.

"Techno!" A new voice yelled. This one sounded younger and before I knew it a green looking ball flew next to me and 'Techno' and a person appeared. He was tall and half of his face was pitch black while the other was as white as snow. "Techno, please. Stop hurting him, help me get them down. These are the people I was talking about earlier."

The pig hybrid did as he was told and helped us all get down, though he didn't let us go far. I was confused, Tommy and Tubbo had not once mentioned another with them.

"Thanks for that," Tubbo said. "Generally thank you, but um, who exactly are you?"

"Oh," The half and half hybrid said. "Right."

"Don't you know these people?" Techno asked him.

"Well, about that," he replied. "I know them, but they don't know me."

"I would like an explanation, please." Tubbo requested of him.

"Me too," Tommy agreed. "I wanna know who the f*ck you are how the f*ck you—"

"Finish that sentence," the pig threatened. "I dare you, it's been a while since I've killed an orphan and the voices demand blood."

"Is that a f*cking threat?" Tommy yelled, struggling. "You motherf*ck—"

"Tommy, that's enough." I cut him off. I felt bad for doing it, but this child was going to get himself killed, so I made him quite down by reaching into his head.

"So, um an explanation then?" The enderian type hybrid said. "My name is Ranboo, and I used to hang out with you guys. We were a trio and ran away from mid together and became friends. My power here is, well, um, memory. I have the power to make people forget things, and we were fooling around testing out powers and i accidentally made you both forget me, and well I panicked and ran away."

"Oh so that's why I remember someone being at our camp then running away," Tubbo laughed. "I was so confused when neither of us were dead and nothing was stolen."

"Yeah," Ranboo laughed. "Anyways we should probably get back to our base. It's in a clearing not too far away."

"So there is a clearing near by," I laughed. "Told you so Tommy."

"Shut up."

And we all walked in a comfortable clump on the way back. The children seemed to get along well, and me and Techno did as well.

"Hold on just one minute," I heard Tubbo yell from ahead, astonished. "You can control memories AND teleport!?"

"Oh yeah," Ranboo blushed from embarrassment (in a PG type of friendship way) "My gift was this ender pearl, it allows me to teleport it when I throw it."

"So you're rich in powers then?" Tommy exclaimed.

"I guess," Ranboo chuckled. "But I don't do well with water."

"Ranboo, my beloved," Tubbo said. "Will you be my platonic husband for tax reasons?"

"What the f*ck did I just walk into?" A winged fellow said.

"Oh hey Phil," techno said as monotone as always. "Ranboo apparently knew these people so we took them with us after they fell into our trap."

"So I've just adopted five children now?" Phil exclaimed. "Jesus, mate, and by the way I'm Philza."

"So you're like the dad here?" Tommy asked.

"I guess you could say that." He responded.

"Dadza, Dadza, Dadza." I chanted, as we all laughed and fell into a comfortable banter.

By the time it was getting later, Phil, Tubbo, and Ranboo had already gone to sleep. Me, Techno and Tommy were talking.

"Wil? Techno?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah toms?" I answered.

"Hmm?" Techno grunted.

"If Tubbo and Ranboo are platonic husbands, and Phil is the dad, than what does that make us?"

"We could be brothers."

Word count: 1097
Annnnnnd it's been updated! If y'all liked it please leave a vote and a comment! Cya!

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