We could be Partners

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Wilbur POV
One month. We had been in this Gods forsaken game for one. Entire. Month. I had given Dream 2 weeks to decide to join me already, two fucking weeks. Yet, he still hadn't agreed.

Since my encounter with the muffinteers, we have been going out on patrol 3 times a day. We would send 2 people out, and I always took night watch. I preferred going out with the children and not Phil or Techno because they were easier to manipulate. I hadn't needed to manipulate them really, but it was always in case Dream finally took me up on my offer.

Today I was out with Tommy, and I had convinced him to come with me to my supposed meeting spot with the masked man, that is if he ever decided to show. I was teaching Tommy how to climb a tree. Let's just say for being in a game made on killing or running, he was not very agile.

We were laying against the tree, after he had exhausted himself for the time being. I felt another presence join us, and hoping for it to be Dream, I looked at the approaching figure.

"Wilby?" Tommy asked curling into me with fear and pointing at the masked man. "Dreams coming."

"Tommy your exhausted and seeing things, no ones there." I lied.

"But I..." he trailed off. "But he looks so real."

"You trust me, don't you?" I asked, once again using his weakness.

"Ye—yeah?" He stammered. "Of course I do but I—"

"But nothing," I cut him off. "I say there's nothing there, so doesn't that mean there's nothing there?"

"Yeah, sorry." He mumbled.

"Don't be, go ahead and sleep Tommy," I said, squeezing his hand and comforting him.  "I'll take you home after patrol."

Once Tommy closed his eyes, I put my finger up to my mouth in a warning for Dream to not make a sound. I got up after a minute or so, when I could hear Tommy's faint snoring, and I rested him against the tree.

"Took you long enough." I smirked, turning to face the masked man.

"You were right." He admitted. "You were...you were actually right."

"Told you so." I said, walking closer.

"It's not too late for me to turn back." He glared.

"Aw dreamy, already betraying me?" I pouted.

"How do I know you won't betray me?" He asked, taking a more serious tone.

"I would never betray you, love." I teased, leaning over him slightly.

"Stop with the pet names." He shot daggers.

"I can't help them, they're part of my charismatic charm, Darling." I laughed.

"We have different definitions of charm." He smiled.

"You wound me, Dreamy." I acted as though  I was hurt, stumbling back with a hand over my heart.

"How do I know I can trust you?" He repeated his earlier question. "I need more than just that crystal. I need to know something you haven't told anyone."

"For starters, my power," I said, my voice more serious like his. "I can get into peoples heads."

"Wait really?" He said sarcastically. "The mental attacks on my friends didn't give it away."

"One, are you really sure they're your friends still?" I spit back with just as much venom.

"Shut it." He glared.

"And two, I can't just attack the mind, I can manipulate it." I smirked.

"But that's Bad's power?" He said, making me quite confused.

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