Chapter 10

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As I woke up, Nicole's words kept ringing in my head. I do want to be with Ashton.. but I gotta break things off with Jay first. At that thought, I reached for my phone on the charger and dialed jay's number. It ring 5 times before going to voicemail. 5 minutes later, he called back. "Wasup?", He said. "Hey. nothing much. Listen, can we meet up somewhere later?", I asked.
"Where at?", He asked. I wanted somewhere public in case a fight breaks out and he tries to put his hands on me again. "Maryland Park",i said.
"Aight. What time?", He said groggily. I told him 4:30 and we hung up. Inside, I could feel my heart beating fast because there's only one way this relationship could end, which is really bad.
Walking downstairs, I could hear keys in the door. It probably was my sister or my mom. My mother and I didn't have a tight relationship. We acted more like roommates to each other. "Hey mom", I said getting a pan out. I was in the mood for some scrambled eggs, blueberry pancakes and some sausages. "Hey honey. Where's your sister?", She asked placing her white coat on the couch. My mom is an Ob/Gyn (Obstetrics and gynecology) Which is a doctor who gives medical and surgical care to women who are going through with their pregnancy, childbirth, and helps detect any disorders in the reproductive system. My mom was also my sister's Ob-Gyn. Because of the job my mom does, she works long hours so that explains why she's never home.
"You finally come home & the first thing you say ask me is where's Alez? Wow. But I'm fine mom, thanks for asking", I said rolling my eyes and mixing the batter. "Well I'm glad your fine. As you should be and don't use that tone of voice with me, young lady or else you got another thing coming."
"We to answer your question, she's out with Malik", I said.
My mom sighed and looked ate for a while. I could sense she's about to bring up something serious. "Honey. We need to talk."
"About what?",I said facing her.
"Your relationship with Jay."
"Mom. if your gonna say you told me so and rub it in my face, I really would not like to hear that right now."
"Look, I'm not here to say all of that. It's not your fault. if anything, it's my fault. Had I been there for you guys, especially you, none of that would have ever happened especially not on my watch", she explained.
"Well, I'm fine. I'm okay. So for the sake of me, drop this convo..please", I said getting the sausages out of the freezer. And with that being said, my mom sighed and left. Moments after she left, my phone started to ring.
It was Jay. If I didn't answer, I knew he would come over and that's the last thing I needed.
"What", I answered.
"Damn bae. Wasup?",he asked as if we haven't had this conversation before. "nothing. Why is you callin me?"
"Truth is, I have this feeling that you might leave me baby."
I didn't answer. "baby, I'm sorry for--", he started.
"Just meet me at the park Jay. Bye", I said and hanged up.

Calling my sister down for breakfast , I fixed her a plate.
"Mmm. Something smells great", Alez said coming in through the front door. "Yeah, I know right. I didn't know you was coming so I only made enough for Kira and I."
"Girl you gave kira all this food that she not gonna eat?",Alez said taking a mini sausage off of Kira's plate when she wasn't looking.
"Don't underestimate kira's appetite", I said laughing.
"I'm a big girl", kira told alez. We laughed at her cuteness.
"Well, I'm about to grab a caramel frappe", Alez said.
"Your going out again?"
"Yeah. Just going to go to grocery shopping. I'll be back. Mom came home?", she asked.
"Yeah she was here a minute ago."
"Oh okay. Where's jasmine?"
"Upstairs. I'm about to wake her up to give her a bottle of milk."
"Okay good. I'm out", she said amd left.

After feeding jasmine and burping her, she fell asleep in my arms so i put her in her crib. Moments later, i found Kira asleep on my bed. Sitting on the couch downstairs, i checked my phone for messages or texts from Ashton but none. Ever since our blow out last night, i haven't heard from either him or nicole. Nicole was right. Maybe he's already found someone else. I know any girl would jump at the opportunity to be with him. It really was my loss. Ashton was a great guy. His personality is amazing. It's not that I'm not interested but it's cause I'm in a relationship already & me having to break it off today, scares me to death.

Suddenly, Alez came walking in with grocery bags. I helped her carry some into the kitchen.
"Are you going anywhere else today?"
"Not that I know of. Why?", she asked placing the milk in the fridge.
"I gotta meet up with jay."
"Are you serious? This nigga almost killed you and you still messin with him?"
"I'm breaking up with him", i said.
"Oh. Well good", she said quietly. Putting on a shirt and capris, I checked the clock and it was already 4:20.

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