I let out a sign of relief, and was happy to know I had no connection to Destiny.

"The sad thing is I don't think Snake ever loved that girl."

"What do you mean?" I was confused. How could a parent not love their child unconditionally.

"What I mean is Snake treated Destiny like a burden he was stuck with. I don't think he ever really wanted to be a father at least not Destiny's father. I believe because Lacy was Destiny's mother he never wanted her. Every time he looked at Destiny he not only saw Lacy but he saw his mistake and to him lacy broke up his marriage . Trixie was the love of Snake's life."

"Oh I see now".

"I don't think Lacy wanted Destiny either. Lacy used that child to trap Snake hoping he would claim her and Destiny so when that didn't happened she dumped Destiny on the club's door step never to be heard from again until she was found dead from an apparent drug overdose years later. Destiny was 3 years old at the time."

"I see what you are saying . Snake has no real love for his daughter not like daddy has for me".

"Exactly. Not like a father has for his child. The love your father has for you is unconditional, for Snake he rather leave Destiny to her own devices then step in later to clean up her fucking mess. Snake wants as little interaction with his daughter as possible, he wants no obligation to that girl."

"What a sad way to grow up, knowing that you were not loved. At least I had mama and nana growing up and I know that I was loved." I could never imagine not feeling any type of love. I let out a deep breathe.

"I know people Shay worst off than Destiny and they never turned out like a cunt like her."

"Damn Big Mama, You really hate her don't you?"

After hearing Destiny's story, and the way she grew up I can see why she is the woman she is, because she really had a shitty life; but that does not give you the reason to ruin other people's life.

"Destiny is a fucking parasite. She will ruin anyone or anything she touches, just like her mother. I will kill the bitch before I let her pin a baby on my son that is not his."

I nod my head, as I felt the same. If Destiny is lying about who the father of her baby Is she is going to far and I won't let her get away with it either.

"Well darlin' you know the whole story now".

"It does explain a lot".

"I will get to the truth and when I do there is no where in the world this skank can hide from me".

Whoa, I have never seen this side of Karley before. Just like mama. She would do anything for the people she loved and I respect that.

"Let's party". I will not let Destiny ruin anymore of my night I was ready to party with family and friends and the man I love.

"You took the worlds right out of my mouth darlin'"



What should I do I can't let Destiny do this but she is my best friend I can't betray her, not after everything she has done for me. If it wasn't for Destiny or the Snake's who knows where I would have ended up.

After Destiny told me her plan and showed me the drug I have been uneasy the whole day. Destiny is signing her own death warrant as well as mine I have to do something I have to warn Shay some how. Snake will not care as long as Destiny is dead and gone. Snake never loved Destiny always treated her like a fucking mistake a burden. That is why Destiny and I became so close we both came from families who didn't love or want us. How am I going to warn Shay she is in grave danger? I was so wrapped up in my head I didn't hear Beast calling my name.

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