'I know we're in the middle of Maths but I must have you' - Chapter Twenty-two

Start bij het begin

'Daniel! Jessica! We have been back at school less than a day and already you are back to your usual ways. Stop chatting during my lesson please,' Mr Wilding interrupted our conversation, his favourite thing to do. Clearly I wasn't the only one who realised that nothing seemed to have changed between me and Danny. Despite the half-term revelation he was still treating me exactly how he did before - it was so infuriating.

'Sorry sir,' we both said at the same time, before beginning our Maths work. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Danny's stupid, adorable smirk spreading across his face.

/ / / / / / / /

We met for the Winter Fair on the third day back at school, as per Felicity's wishes of course. When I got to the meeting room I realised I was the first person there. If only Mr Wilding was here to see my timely arrival.

I had been sitting there only a few minutes when I was joined by Matthew - it was the first time I'd seen him after break and I felt slightly guilty for not going to talk to him sooner.

'Jess Fletcher? Early? Are my eyes deceiving me?'

I laughed. 'Good one. I got let out of Physics early and came straight here.'

'Well, I hope that this marks a new chapter in your approach to Sixth Form Jess.' He joked. 'It would certainly turn heads throughout the school.'

'I'm not that bad!' I nudged him playfully. 'By the way, I'm really sorry I haven't been to see you yet I've just had a lot on my plate recently with like -' I struggled to think of how to summarise my current situation with Danny. 'I've just had a lot on my plate.'

'Jess, don't worry it's fine. We all overwhelmed sometimes. We should have a meeting though at some point - can you do this Friday after prep?' He asked.

'Yeah sounds good. I think my prep finishes around 5 on Friday so I could get to the chapel at quarter to?'

'Perfect. I'll see you then.' He flashed me a look of his dazzling smile.

It was at that moment that Rachel and Jack joined us, apparently they'd been in geography together but I knew for a fact that their lesson finished over 40 minutes ago. I'm sure Rachel would spill everything to me later. Jonny came next, quickly followed by Felicity and Anya. Felicity, oh how I've missed that annoying, stuck-up, self-entitled, aggravating, little bitch.

'Hey everyone,' she chirped. 'Aren't we all so much more refreshed after the extra days rest? I just knew we'd be so much more rejuvenated three days in, than two. Thank God for me, am I right?'

'Oh my gosh Felicity.' Rachel jibed. 'What would we do without your holiness granting us with all your extraordinary wisdom guiding us through our troubled, uneasy lives?' God, I love her.

'I was only making a joke Ray Ray - no need to get so touchy all the time.'

'Ray Ray? What in Hell gives you the right to call me that, you uptight little hoebag?' Woah. I was not expecting that. Rachel droping the 'H' bomb? She must have been mad.

'At least I don't blaspheme. Hell is nothing to joke about - but I guess you'll find that out for yourself pretty soon.' Felicity paused. 'Ray Ray.'

'Well Felicity, I'm sure I'll see you there. I heard God isn't a massive fan of sluts like you who think they can use their boobs and their vaginas to get everything they want at this school.' She looked at Felicity's now stunned face.

'Now listen here Rachel,' Felicity leaned towards her with her palms flattened across the table. 'Just because you think your funny and cool now that you've got that sorry excuse for a boyfriend, that does not give you the right to get your ratty-haired ass anywhere near my business. Okay? So stay away from me you fuc-' She looked up, her whole domineer changed from one of bitchy anger, to one of gross delight. 'Danny, hi!'

'Hey Felicity! Hey guys are you alright?' Danny looked around at our stunned faces, completely unaware of what had just happened.

'I'm better now that you're here.' Felicity was positively smarming at this point. 'Take a seat.' She tapped the chair next to hair, whilst simultaneously flicking her hair flirtingly. He begrudgingly sat next to her. Well, not outwardly begrudgingly (he was way too polite for that) but I'd like to think that on the inside he was really wishing he was sitting next to me.

'Okay.' Matthew spoke after a long, uneasy pause - clearing the tension perfectly. 'We have a long list of entries that have signed up for auditions. Is everyone completely available to come to auditions tomorrow?' We all nodded in agreement. 'Good, so if we can all get here around six and then we'll start with the first band. Which is -' he looked down at the sheet in front of him 'oh Felicity, Anya, that's your band. So I guess we'll see you first - '

'You're auditioning?' It was hard to hide the sarcastic laugh in my question.

'Yes.' She smiled a sickly sweet problem. 'Do you have a problem with that, babe?'

'No problem. Babe.' I enunciated the last word with as much angry undertone as I could muster. 'I just didn't know you played music, that's all.'

'Oh we don't play instruments; we're a singing band - like One Direction.'

'Like One Direction, right.' I rolled my eyes at Rachel, she smirked. 'Well I wish you all the best with your audition; let's hope you get enough votes.'


'Well we agreed didn't we? Every act has to get a majority of five votes in order to get through to performing at the winter fair. With you and Anya in the band that leaves just six of us to vote for you guys. If I were you I'd be extra nice to me and Rachel. Like I said, you're going to need all the luck you can get.'

'Jess, while I'm sure you would need bucketfuls of luck to ever pass any sort of audition - I'm sure my own natural talent will see me through.'

'I'm sure it will.'

I didn't know quite what it was yet, but Felicity was definitely planning something. Why did she suddenly want to audition to be in the Winter Fair? And how was she so sure she would be able to get Rachel and my vote? I'm not sure what she could possible want from this audition but something told me it had something to do with Danny.

/ / / / / / / /

Hmmm - so what is Felicity planning?

So we get to see a bit of Jess and Danny in this chapter, AND, a bit or Jess and Matthew - with plenty more of both still to come.

Guys, this story is just about to get a helluva lot more interesting so STAY FREAKING TUNED!!!!

Remember to PLEASE vote and comment if ya liked it, or even if you didn't to be honest ;), and I'll see you in a couple of days! :)

~LunaCresta x x x

PS I want to give a massive thanks to @MrsTheoJames_1998 and @pushingpencils - they are my 'real life' friends and are giving me such good help with my story! Thanks so much, love you guys! :*

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