| Chapter 1 || Names Hold Power |

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Percy was getting tired of jumping from time to time. They had always been annoying but this time was different. He hadn't even been put out in another time period, just stuck in something that can only be described as a time-limbo.

Percy could see nothing. Hear nothing. Feel nothing. It was complete emptiness.

Sure, he had experienced these things before when he had to jump to a different time but this was the first time he was in this darkness for so long.

He was just floating weightlessly without rhyme or reason. He had always taken time to himself to think and thankfully, all he had was time. This is the first time he had been given the time he needed to think in a long time. Even with Rhea, it wasn't complete peace. He had been trying to help Zeus and the gods.

All of a sudden, images flashed all around him. He could understand nothing and yet, everything at the same time. Perseus Jackson, surrounded by his own memories, could do nothing but bathe in images of his own endeavours. Soon enough, the sound of silence was replaced with the freezing tone of laughter. The heartless laughter of who he recognised as Kronos.

His evil laughter reverberated through Percy's head painfully, putting him in a daze. He clutched his head in an attempt to stop the noise but to no avail. Percy had a feeling that the Kronos he had seen knew what he would do to Percy in the future.

Being the Titan of Time, he probably did. And now Kronos was messing with him.

How long has it been since Percy was taken from his time? Thirty, forty years? More? Less? He didn't know. It all felt like yesterday.

And what had he done in that time...all but a fond memory, condensed and thrown out into the Sands of Time.

Flowing through him, the memories went by too fast to comprehend. Blurry faces came and went. Fights and battles pass by in the blink of an eye. The laughing was only growing louder and louder, but Percy didn't even feel as if he was hearing it anymore. The laughter was inside him, a part of him now, and Kronos' curse with it. He didn't like that in the slightest.

Percy had no idea how long he had been floating there but when he was spat out of the darkness, he was not prepared at all. The laughing stopped and was soon replaced with the ambient noises of a forest.

Despite his dazed state, Percy was able to react fast enough to tuck into a roll before he hit the ground. He managed to absorb the impact and rolled right back onto his feet. Percy let out a small celebratory cheer, mostly for his poor behind. This was the first time he didn't land on his butt.

A small yelp caught his attention. In less than a second, Percy had an uncapped Riptide in his hand and had turned to face the source of the sound. What he found was not what he expected.

There was a group of four people. It was dark so he couldn't make out their features and being thrown into darkness from darker darkness didn't help his eyes. He seemed to have dropped into this time period near them and startled them.

The first thing Percy did was take in his surroundings. He found himself in a clearing surrounded by lots of trees, maybe the woods or a park of some kind. As his eyes started to adjust to the light, Percy noticed more.

For one, he wasn't wearing Ancient Greek clothing anymore. He might have actually been wearing clothes he would have worn back in his time.

Was he finally back? Has the curse finally worn off?

Percy's attention was directed back to the four figures he dropped in on. They had backed up at the sight of his glowing three-foot Celestial Bronze sword and in the soft light, he could make out their features, albeit slightly.

Percy Jackson: The Eternal WandererDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora