" No! Not at all. It's okay. It was just a dare." I said and he smiled relieved.

" Thank god. I thought that you'll never talk to me again." He said

" Why would I not talk to you? "

" I mean....I actually wanted to get to know you better , be your friend and all that but then suddenly this dare thing came and I thought that you'll be uncomfortable to talk to me after that." He explained and I smiled at him. He's a nice guy.

" It's not like that. I'm not uncomfortable. And you're very sweet. I would love to get to know you better." i smiled shyly.

I realised that he's not here for hooking up with me infact he's just here to get to know me. I felt myself relieved and happy at that. Because all the people who have confessed to me before they all didn't even know anything about me neither did they ever tried they just liked the external me and that's why i refused every single one of them.

" Hey wanna play a game? " he asked

" What game?" 

" 21 questions! " He said and i smiled excitedly.

' Okay let's play." i said taking a sip from my drink.

" I'll start." said eric and i nodded.

" Okay uhm.....what's your guilty pleasure?" he asked and I started thinking.

" Pineapples on pizza." i said and he laughed loudly " yours?" i asked

" Mint chocolate! " he said.

" NO! god please no. my bestfriend also like it. And i dont know what people like in that." i argued as eric just laughed.

" It's so yummy. You should try it." 

" No it taste like toothpaste!" i protested and we both laughed.

" Okay now my turn. " i said 

" When did you had your first kiss?" i asked.

'" Uhm...it was in the beginning of middle school. But i hated it." eric said face turned in a grimace. " You?"

" Mine too.... middle school. Not that bad." I said. Yeah i kissed a guy once in middle school when i wanted to get over jungkook. It was fine but I never told about it to jungkook. Then after that i even had a few kisses in high school as well. But they weren't anything special and again jungkook didn't know anything about it. Those kisses were just for experience.

" Did you ever had a wet dream about the most weirdest person?" eric asked.

" yup....my maths professor." i said and eric laughed loudly at that.

" The most embarrassing thing you've ever done." i asked him.

" Okay so i don't know if it'll be counted as embarrassing but.....so i was a child at that time when i accidently saw my mom and dad having sex....." he started and i gasped laughing a bit.  "Yeah so.....i thought that dad was hurting mom so i went inside and landed a punch at dad's eyes! " he said and I laughed loudly.

" NO way!  seriously?! " 

" Yes and then he have to lie to our relatives that he fell down from the stairs." he said and we were  laughing so loud, others were probably looking at us weirdly.

And that's how we spent 2 hours together just asking each other these random funny questions. eric was an amazing person. And i was happy that i was finally able to make a friend without jungkook's help. sometimes i'm scared about how much i'm dependent on jungkook. Since childhood jungkook always have acted like my shield. All these friends that i got were because of him. People are scared to talk to me rudely because of jungkook's fear. He even sometimes take decisions for me as well and i'm so used to it that i never speak up whenever jungkook decides something for me. 

Some way or another i always end up doing what jungkook wants. Its scary sometimes and i think i need to be dependent on myself. So that's why i'm so happy that i was able to make a friend by myself without jungkook telling them to be friends with me.

" Are you both enjoying that much? You guys are literally talking and laughing since 2 hours " Rosé said and eric and i laughed. I think i could say that me and eric were friends by now .Talking to eric also helped to lift up my mood which was down earlier because of what i saw.

" Did you guys clicked? " taehyung asked standing beside rosé.

" I think we did. Didn't we jimin? " Eric asked and i smiled and nodded.

" Great! So jimin let's go now its late. Our other friends have already left. " Taehyung said and jimin nodded getting up from his seat.

" It was nice meeting you eric. I enjoyed your company. " i said 

" Same here....are we gonna again meet sometime in college? " he asked 

" Of course! " i said smiling before i waved at him and he waved back as i started leaving with my friends but eric stopped us again.

" Wait i forgot.....can i have your number jimin. " he asked extending his phone to me and i nodded as rosé and taehyung fake coughed from behind me to tease us as eric laughed and i typed my number on his phone smiling shyly. After exchanging numbers i finally went home with tae and rosé.

                                                                           TO BE CONTINUED

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