Chapter 14

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Technoblade dragged Wilbur out of the hospital, demanding that they take a walk to the convenience store. "Good idea," Wilbur said, "Pretty sure we've caused enough of a scene in the hospital lobby. Surely one or two of the people there will be tempted enough to try to eavesdrop on the conversation. 'Ohh, family drama, don't mind if I do.'

Techno shook his head in amusement before taking a breath, "Look," he started, "I—I didn't mean to yell and blame you the other day."

Wilbur let out a huff of amusement, "I don't know why you're apologizing, man," he said, "It wasn't like what you said wasn't true...I had a lot of time to think about the past few days."

The two of them arrived at the convenience store and went straight to the snacks. "So..." Wilbur started, "the farm, huh?"

Techno sighed, picking out some chips, "Phil didn't want any of us to know. I only found out 'cause he mixed up papers and some transaction receipts got into my school stuff."

"...and Tommy? Did he know?"

Techno shrugged, "I think? He's very much attached to that farm, even screamed when Phil told him to get in the car when we left, but after that, every time we visited..he didn't really seem excited or anything. I'm guessing he'd known for quite a while. Don't get me wrong, Phil and I didn't tell him anything, he must have figured it out on his own."

Wilbur sighs, laying the snacks on the counter and paying for them "Maybe that's why he was never angry at Phil, like at all. He'd be sad, disappointed even, but never angry. I never understood why. I would've thought he'd lash out, but turns out I'm the only sensitive bitch in this family."

Techno shook his head, following Wilbur out the store, a paper bag in hand, "I wouldn't call 'you being angry at Phil for not giving you the attention you needed and deserve' being sensitive. That's a completely normal response. Angry is an easy emotion to get, heck I get angry when Phil forgets to tell me when we're leaving, and I've got it good."

Wilbur huffs, "Since when'd you get a psychology degree?"

Silence filled the air once again as the two walked back to the hospital. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, but it wasn't the most calming either. There was still that hint of tension. Of course there is. Things that are broken can't be put back together perfectly. There's always going to be that subtle difference. That said, you'd rather eat on a rough finished table than on a broken one. It's still an improvement, and hopefully someday they can start anew.

Wilbur looked up at the orange sky. The puffy clouds move slowly. But that new start can't happen if Tommy isn't here. He thought. He can't wake up and needs to deal with us like this. A moment of realization grazed Wilbur's mind. We're the reason he's asleep in the first place.

Wilbur stopped walking, catching his twin's attention. He looked at Techno straight in the eye, "I have a plan."


"We're getting dinner together," Wilbur announced as he bursted into Tommy's hospital room.

Phil jumped. He looked up at the two, "Tonight? But what about..." he glanced at his youngest who looked so peaceful as he slept.

"I already asked Tubbo and Ranboo if they can swing by tonight and they agreed," Techno said.

"We need to get our shit together," Wilbur declared. "Tommy's in this situation because of our collective bullshit. He—he's trying to use his dreams as an escape from us. I mean think about it! With how loud we were shouting that morning, I don't doubt Tommy has heard us."

Phil silenced, thinking about the situation, "That's probably true," he sighed. "We really fucked up," he said, standing. "Where are we going?"

Wilbur smiled, "There's a pretty good dinner nearby."


Phil slowed down the car as they approached the diner. He parked the car near the entrance and the three of them headed inside. They were greeted by the waitress and led to a table near the windows. Wilbur and Techno sat down next to each other while Phil sat across Wilbur, and they stared at their menus awkwardly.

Wilbur hummed lightly trying to somehow break the silence. He never realized how quiet dinner was without Tommy starting conversations left and right. Wilbur doesn't know how he does it. "So...the pasta looks good," Wilbur said.

"Yeah, yeah, Pasta is good," Phil said, "It's good for 3 to 4 people. Techno?"

Techno only shrugged, "I'll eat whatever," he said.

They went through the menu once more before calling over a waitress and telling her their orders. "Alright, they should be out in about 20 minutes," she said.

"So," Phil started once the three of them were alone, "How's, how's school?"

The twins couldn't help but snort at the question, "Really, Phil?" Techno asked.

"That's the best ice breaker you have?" Wilbur laughed.

Phil rolled his eyes, "I'm a working adult, the conversation starters I hear everyday is 'Nice weather'."

"Oh boohoo, blame it on your age," Wilbur said, snickering.

"No, Wilbur stop," Techno said, "You'll hurt his old heart." Not expecting Techno's comment Wilbur smacked the table in amusement.

"You little shits," Phil laughed as he watched the boys nudge each other. "Seriously though, how are you two holding up?"

"Eh," Techno started, leaning back on his seat, reaching for the fork on the table and fiddling with it, "I'm good, but you wouldn't believe that anyway."

Wilbur sighed, "Better now that I know about the whole farm schtick...All this could have probably been avoided if you just told us you know. Not that I'm blaming you," he quickly added, "Just that, you didn't have to keep everything from us."

Phil hummed, "Yeah, telling you probably was the best course of action, but you were kids, I didn't want the fate of the farm to be your problem. That and I didn't want you to like, hate me for letting the farm go."

"We loved that farm, but we couldn't hate you Phil," Techno said.

"Pretty sure I've got that down," Phil muttered, taking a not so subtle glance at Wilbur.

Wilbur sighed, "Like they say, a strong word. I never hated you, and I don't think I ever will. I don't know how or why, but I can't. Something in the back of my mind nags me that you have reasons to why you do what you do, and it's never to harm us. Even though you just, ya know...I don't know," he said, looking down at the table, making little circles on the wood with his finger.

Phil smiled, "Thank you, for not hating me, and again, I'm sorry. We don't have to be okay now, but I'll do my best to make it up to you."

"We'll do our best," Techno corrected, "I know you don't blame me, but I still want to make it up to you somehow."

Wilbur couldn't help but shake his head with a fond smile, "Well, after we get this shit together, we'll all make it up to Tommy, yeah?"

Techno and Phil glanced at each other, then back at Wilbur, "Yeah."


Sorry for the three month unannounced break, but this chapter was a fucking bitch to write. It gave me so much writers block when the goal of this chapter was so so simple.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed. Good news though, I haven't been writing this chapter, but I have been writing the next one. It's nearly done, so you won't need to wait for months for the next upload!

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.

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