Chapter 1

690 18 12

TW: Bullying, Swearing, Asshole Government, Violence, Kinda Racist towards Humans, Throw up

Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Your Last Name/Surname

I fly across the alley and into several metal trash bins. My back crashes against them, pain sparks in my lower back immediately. I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Pftt," One of the three boys that looked down on me scoffed, "That's what you get."

I don't ignore the boys. My attention is focused on a torn up satchel I hold tightly to my body.

The boy's eyes flick from me, then to my satchel. I hold my breath as the boy flicks his head towards me. A silent command to his younger brothers. Both of them step forward and attempt to rip the bag away from me. They both tightly hold onto my bag, the contents shaking inside when we fight over it.

My grip starts to slip and my panic increases. In an unplanned attempt to seize my bag, I accidentally elbowed the youngest boy and pushed the middle child back into his older brother. It was unexpected to everyone. Chaos filled that alley way as I took the opportunity to run.

The boys chase after me while yelling several curses and screaming at me. The curses fell upon deaf ears as I focused on weaving through the busy streets. The bustling street combined with my adrenaline to create a blur of the senses that were equally sharp yet dulled all at once.

In a sudden breeze, blue Magick wished through the air and straight onto the ground. A sheet of ice covered the road suddenly. I flew up into the air along with the three boys. A tangled mess pursued as we fought over my bag like a pack of starving feral dogs. The ice Magick weilder hastily stumbled towards us to pull us apart.

I looked up to glaring grey eyes. They were paired with crossed, brushy eyebrows the same color. I was in trouble before, but now I could feel it in my stomach too. Mr. Taleme, my guardian and ice Magick weilder, was usually dissapointed, not angry. This time, the tides have changed in his expression and deep glare, one I have never seen before, but knew the exact emotions that created that glare.

The boys scattered as soon as they could to get away from Mr. Taleme's presence. He is a tall man, even in elf standards, exceeding six feet by what felt like a mile. His already intimidating height is made even more startling by his muscular stature that was built in his boxing glory days before he became a baker, but all the baked foods also covered him in a good layer of fat. Still, Mr. Taleme is terrifying when you don't know him, or even if you do.

Mr. Taleme turned from me to the boys and then back to me. His looked softened a bit with a sigh, but he quickly turned stern again when he saw the guilt on my face. Mr. Taleme scolded the crowd that formed around us before huffing at me. He throw me over his shoulder, carrying me into the bakery and closing it early to really drill me on the previous events.

Mr. Taleme set me down, crossed his arms, and gave me a serious look. Suddenly, I feel the adrenaline leave. Now my body isn't numb and I can feel it, a lot. I slump to relieve my back pain, "I know you are upset, but can I sit down?"

Mr. Taleme gives me a sigh before waving me off with his hand, "Go in my office. I need to think for a second."

I scurry off to the back room where the stairs are and up to Mr. Taleme's office in relief. I sit down in the tall leather seat, sinking into it in relaxment. My back feels a million times better already,  but i could still use some of the medical supplies that are kept in the kitchen. I don’t get medical kits, yet. Not until Mr. Taleme comes back. As replacement for treatment, I stare at my wounds. I observe the holes in my new pants and scrapes behind them. The dirt on the palms of my hands rolls together before falling to the oak floors. I idolly watch over the dirt to pass the time.

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