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There will be mentions of mature things, like violence, classist society, and other things.

I will have a TW at the beginning of every chapter and a list of the meaning of things such as Y/N, L/N, etc.

To make this completely neutral, I will keep things reasonable to dark and lighter-toned people, the culture will be the culture of where this takes place and family will barely be involved. I am aware of non-binary people, of nonbinary people of the demi variety, and genderfluid people, but the pronouns will be they/them for the most part to keep it neutrual.

The reader may or may not be misgendered.

The reader will not have certified sexuality, but the fic will be treated like they are pan to be neutral. The reader will not express or be forced into sexual themes because I love my asexual and ace spectrum babies.

Last but not least, enjoy!!!

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