♣️VII ch 7♣️

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I can't believe 3 weeks past since the last update. Time goes so fast now I'm not a student anymore :(


In all the time Jimin spent with his Master, he was only sure of two things. The Chairman was a gentle lover yet even the slightest signs of anger was something Jimin was nervous of. The nerves were evident in his rosy cheeks, as he felt the effects of the office rules engulf him completely. There was something particularly different about the way Yoongi looked at Jimin in the office. Something he didn't quite notice until they began to live together. Something he couldn't describe but only understood what it made him feel.

Jimin hadn't felt this before with anyone else, a sense of safety as he shriveled into his subspace. The flames flickered a gentle light, something cozy and comforting like a campfire on the beach. Only Yoongi was on the other side. "Master." Jimin repeated, this time without hesitation. He thought he would. But there were somethings that became second nature to him. Like the way Yoongi walked behind him, his hands gliding around Jimin's waist and his lips against Jimin's ear.

In other circumstances, one where a stranger would try to hold him, Jimin would have pulled away. But there was something Jimin willingly allowed when it involved the Chairman. Yoongi was allowed to invade his space. To touch him. To kiss him. And Jimin, who agreed wholeheartedly to be his submissive, submitted to every intimate action with a whimpering response.

"Burn them." Yoongi ordered.

His Master was referring to the panties Jimin had reluctantly given to his house mates. Gifts that were his to keep. He had hurt the Chairman by giving them to someone else. The secretary obeyed, and it was easy to obey his Master. It was easy to follow his orders because Yoongi never asked too much from him. Almost as if there was an invisible line which represented Jimin's limit and Yoongi always knew never to cross it.

"From now on, if anyone takes something that belongs to you. You say no." The Chairman was a man of few words, Jimin knew this very well. So when Yoongi did speak, Jimin knew to listen very well, because he was the type of person who wouldn't repeat himself. "Because once it's yours, it belongs to no one else." Jimin felt ashamed, yet a part of him also felt special. And only the Chairman was able to make him feel like this. Spoiled with care and patience.

Only as Jimin tipped the box and watched as the panties burned away within the embers did he discover impatience growing with in him. The secretary had wondered over Yoongi's effect on him. Yet it was all something he couldn't explain in words. Only his body knew, understood the need he had for his Master.

The way Yoongi's lips pressed gently onto Jimin's cheek was like he was asking for an invitation. Was it too soon? No. Jimin knew with the way his body was reacting. He had repented. And he probably would continue to feel like he needed to make up for his shortcomings. "Repeat after me kitten. That is mine. And because it belongs to me, you cannot have it."

There was something about the flames and how they glistened within Yoongi's eyes, passion that Jimin similarly craved was being reflected off of them. "Th-at's mine." Jimin stuttered. "So you can't-" The secretary's breath was caught in his throat.

"That's enough for today." The Chairman soothed. "Good kitten." His voice was soft, yet his grip was tight on Jimin's waist. It was a pressure he welcomed on his body. In a place where it was unusual to have intimate relations, Jimin found it easy to place his arms around Yoongi. Desperate because he was. Something about anger, disappointment and resolve which lead him to be increasingly more eager than he was.

And with all the emotions which took part in creating this moment, was a single kiss, which ignited a flame. And this spark streamed all over Jimin's body, lighting his soul. And he didn't mind the passion within him growing within every touch.

Yoongi's grin was lightly pressed against Jimin's neck, where the collar was. His lips were hesitant, only because it was clearly important to him that Jimin felt safe. Permission and consent were the sole driving force needed before the could continue. The Chairman was patiently asking, looking for the answer within Jimin's eyes. The things that couldn't be done outside this place, something which could only be done within the glass doors.  Jimin's permission was given in the only way the Chairman accepted.

The secretary knelt before his Master, his doe eyes clear with consent. Because while there was reassurance that Yoongi would treat him well, there was a hunger which had built up dangerously fast. Jimin realised embarrassingly that he missed this so fucking much. But little did he know, the Chairman had prepared for this exact moment.

From his pocket, Yoongi pulled out a purple clicker counter. Click. The number one dialed forward, shining towards the submissive. "One, you wrote the wrong address." Click. "Two, you had given my gifts away." Jimin knew his mistakes were being listed. Click. "Three, you had forgotten to arrive at the office before me." Click. The Chairman was quiet, and although Jimin was slightly nervous to meet his gaze, he had to check. And the gaze that his Master gave was one Jimin found hard to decipher.

"And the forth Master?"Jimin asked quietly.

"You had been away from my side for too long."

Jimin's cheeks flushed, and it was due to his own interpretation of this statement. Was the Chairman lonely without his submissive, or was it particularly Jimin's absence which tormented him?

"Four times kitten. Sins which must be punished for." Yoongi smiled, and Jimin knew instantly, that the punishment he would receive wasn't the kind which involved money or sanctions or over time work. But the embers of sexual desires. And what was it that Yoongi desired, more than anything else? Was it capital punishment or humiliation, the kind Taehyung enjoyed. Or was it restriction, the way Jin hated? "Since we have not properly talked about punishments, I will let you decide on which items I will use." Yoongi walked towards his desk, where a large black briefcase was placed. "So kitten, what is it going to be?"


What 4 punishments should Jimin receive?

I hope you're all doing well in the festive season. Happy new year everyone!

Love Minty xx

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