Draco Comes Home

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"YOU IDIOT!" The cold voice of the Dark Lord filled the house. Narcissa, Bellatrix, and I all ran down. He was yelling at Draco who lay in the floor covered in blood. "DRACO!" Narcissa ran to her son. "Stand Back, MALFOY," yelled Tom. "That's my son," she glared aiming his wand at her. "CRUCIO!" He yelled. "FINITE!" I had protected Narcissa but betrayed Tom Riddle. "LEAVE HER ALONE TOM!" I shouted. "Y/N HE'LL KILL YOU!" She shouted. "You didn't think about that did you?!" I asked. She helped her son up and apparated him somewhere safe. "Your son got my followers including your husband caught by the ministry. "Lucius will find a way. He always does," she said to him. Now she was raising her wand to him. Bella aimed her wand at us. But after lots of thought aimed it at him. "Bella?! YOU AS WELL?!" He roared. Immediately she aimed her wand at me. "thought you wouldn't dream of hurting me?" I taunted. "That was my traitor of a sister's promise not mine!" The battled began. Everyone was shooting spells and crises, sheilds and charms, in fact on of the followers was turned into a toad by a fellow death eater. "Narcissa! You are a follower of mine. FIGHT ME AND DIE OR SUBMIT AND LIVE" he growled. She raised her sleeves. "I never was a death eater. I never was your follower," she smiled. "AVADA KADAVRA!" He shouted. "NARCISSA!" "MOM!" "CISSY!" The three of us crowded around her. "Narcissa?" I whispered in her ear. Nothing. I felt for her heartbeat or pulse. Nothing. "She's dead," I told them. "She can't be!" cried Draco. "She's All I have!" Screamed Bellatrix in anger. "If you would've helped us Bella maybe she wouldn't be!" I yelled at her. But I looked down crying I knew I couldn't be mad for long. She was dead. Suddenly a gasp of air escaped her mouth. "Narcissa?" I look at down at her. "He just knocked me out that's all," she said rather calmly.

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