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You walk up to the door of Malloy Manor. You don't even want to be here in the first place. Not after what happened. Suddenly you, like the rest, don't remember what happened. You knock lightly. Light enough for someone nearby to hear, but quiet enough barely anyone can hear. Almost immediately the door was opened by the house elf Dobby. "Hello, may I help you?" He asked slowly. "Yah um. I'm here to stay for the month. I was assigned here by the Dark Lord," he slowly opens the door to let me in. "Wait here," he says. I sit on the couch and wait patiently. I hear two sets of foot steps. One of them is walking quickly and stomping. The other is wearing heels and is walking calmly and slowly. I turn around. Just as I thought, it was Bellatrix  Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy. "The Dark Lord, assigned you hear hmm? And why wouldn't he tell his most faithful servant?!" Bellatrix was very angry. "I-I don't know. Who am I to question him?" I try to sound brave but it comes out scared and even I could hear the fear in my voice. Bellatrix aimed her wand at me. I quickly got up from the chair. "Bella. Put your want down, what would the Dark Lord say if he found out you killed her and he did assign her here," Narcissa slowly put her sisters arm down. Bellatrix, still glaring at me, submitted and dropped her wand. "Thank you. Sorry about that. Y/N, right? The Dark Lord told me lots about you! Welcome to your home for the month. It's easy to get lost so if you do just give Dobby a shout and one of us will come help you. Bellatrix left the room. Narcissa smiled and left. Something was off about her

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