The Dark Mark

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After breakfast she led me back to my bedroom "So. About your Dark Mark," her eyes avoided mine. "Are you a death eater, Narcissa?" I looked at her but her eyes are still distant. "No and I never will be," she looks at me but than glances away quickly. "Do you want to be?" I stop walking and she does the same. "Y/N, it's complicated really, I just-Never mind" I knew she wanted to tell me something but I wouldn't be able to know or figure it out until she told me. I quickly grabbed her right wrist. "Y/N WAIT!" I lifted up her sleeve. Nothing. I reached for her left but she dodged my hand. "STOP IT Y/N" she yelled. I stood there trying to find the right moment. I pretended to grab it and she flinched. Why didn't she want me to see her arm? I grabbed it quickly and lifted up her sleeves. Nothing. "I SAID STOP!" She took her arm out of my hands and looked at me in disbelief. "Y/N when I want to keep something to myself, I want to keep something with myself. Understand?" She said. "But-" I stuttered. "NO! WHY DON'T YOU GET IT Y/N?! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?! YOUR NOT LIKE US! YOUR A- A- A MUDBLOOD!" Narcissa yelled. She raised her arm to put a piece of hair behind her ear. I backed away slightly. "Wait... Y/n please I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-" "no... You're Right Narcissa. I'm not like you. I don't know why I'm like this. And no I don't get it. Because I'm a mudblood. That's why isn't it?" I looked up at her tears in my eyes. "Darling please I'm sor-" "DON'T DARLING ME!" I yelled. "I know it's just because you have to," I turned away from her. "I don't 'Darling' you because I have to. It's because I care about you. Because your like family," she stepped close. "Ha family. You hardly even know me," I pushed past her and headed towards my room. "Y/n..." I slammed my door. She was right though. We both were. I was a mudblood and I didn't get it. I didn't even know what she was talking about when she said that. I don't know why I was like this either. And I wasn't like her at all. But I wasn't her family and she hardly knows me. I fell asleep quickly

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