I kept driving until I got to the empty fields, I walk up a hill and screamed my lungs out. I couldn't take this life anymore, I wanted to end it right there but I couldn't.

"no, NO IM MOTHER FUCKIN STRONGER THAN THAT SHIT. I don't give a damn about anyone. I put myself first and always first, fuck girlfriends and fuck wives. I'm staying single the rest of my life, me, myself and I is all I care about." I say before walking back to my car and speeding back to Chicago and to the nearest bar.

I walk in the bar and sat down, "give me anything that will get you drunk" I ask the bar tender, Timmy.

"Woah, rough day huh?" He asked while cleaning a glass. "Well Timmy, this mother fuckin life hates me and apparently and doesn't want me happy." I say gesturing my hands around.

It's been an hour sense I've arrived at the bar, "alright Harry, you've had enough drinks for one night. Go home bud" Timmy said taking all 40 shot glasses I've drank away from the table to clean.

"Bu- nah- wa- mhm" I say not even getting a straight word out. I fall out of the chair and took my keys than Saluted Timmy a goodbye and left.

I forgot I took a car to the bar so I walked home, it was just across the street so I was good.

Once I reached my apartment it took me about 10 minutes to unlock the door. And once I walked in I saw the mess, broken glass, holes in the wall, and more.

I just ignored it and plopped on the bed, my eyesight was double and couldn't look in one place.

I started to drift off the sleep not knowing what to do with my life anymore.

Bella's POV

A few hours ago I couldn't stay mad at Harry so I decided to drive to his apartment and apologize, once I arrived I heard yelling from his apartment.

"FUCK MYSELF, FUCK THIS APARTMENT, FUCK THIS PLACE, FUCK THE CAMPUS, FUCK MY FAMILY, FUCK BELLA!!" I heard on the other side of the door, moments later it opens to find Harry with a face of evil.

"Fuck Bella huh, good to know" I say with a tear falling down my face, he didn't care at all. He just shoved me over and got in his car, he speeded off to wherever he was going.

I went back to my dorm and cried the whole time, "what have I done" I cry, this is my fault. Only if I haven't called him this would've never happened.

He doesn't love me anymore, but I still do. What the FUCK am I supposed to do if he doesn't love me. He was the only one I had left in this world who had loved me.

Moments later I hear a knock at the door, I open it to find Anne. "Go away, please!" I cry, she looked concerned and frightened.

"What's wrong luv?" She asked. "YOU HAPPENED! I'm sorry but you are the reason I'm crying, you ruined my relationship with Harry. Please just- go back to where you came from, you've already done enough damage." I say closing the door and crying into a pillow.

"WHAT THE FUCK TO I DOO, I HAVE NO LOVE IN THIS WORLDD!" I scream. Suddenly I felt pain in my chest, I felt weak in my knees and feel down.

My chest started to burn and I wasn't stable, "m-my chesttt!" I yell. Emma, my next door neighbor comes rushing in. "OH! Oh my god! L-let me go get help." She rushed to call for help, minutes later I have Emma and Britney (her roommate) helping me to there car.

I was laying down in the back seats while Britney drove to the hospital and Emma in the passenger seat comforting me.

My eyes went blank, i than woke up in a hospital bed and heard fighting by my ears. "Shut up Britney, she's been through a lot. I've heard from Sami she's been through hell without Jenna." I hear Emma say.

"Ok ok, I'm just worried cause I'm not used to seeing these kind of things" I heard Britney trying to whisper.

"H-hay, where am I?" I asked even though I knew where I was. I sat up straight with them comforting me.

I doctor walks in, "Good morning, good morning Bella. How is your chest?" He asked, "b-better, do you know the reason why it happened. I never get chest pains." I say.

He sighed and flipped through papers in the clipboard he had in his hands, "it's most likely to be cause by sudden sock." He said looking down at me.

I than realized what it was from, "Harry" I whispered. "Who?" They all asked, "huh? Oh th-that's my boyfriend, or so I think." I say.

"YOUR WITH HA-" Britney shouts before getting pinched by Emma. I quickly got up from the hospital bed and got out of the hospital, I feel Britney and Emma following behind me. "Bella! You have to stay in the hospital, what if it happens again." Emma says trying to catch up with me.

"I'm fine, I just need to go find him." I say a taxi pulling over as I called it to do so, "who's him" Britney asked. I ignored her question and said bye, I paid the driver after he arrived at Harry's apartment.

I open the door without knocking, I see Harry fixing up a huge mess he had probably made when he was upset, once he noticed me he walked over to me and shoved me out of his apartment.

"Harry please let me exp-" I say before getting cut off. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" He asked obviously still upset by me, I understand why.

"Harry please it's me Bella, your girlfriend who cared for you the moment she laid eyes on you." I say begging for his exception.

"I don't think I've had a girlfriend in years" he said playing dumb with me, tears fall down my face. "Please Harry I love you." I say with the most passionate way possible.

"Thanks" he said and closed the door in my face, that was it. My heart was shattered, there was no way to fix it anymore.

I ran to my dorm and cried the rest of the day, I couldn't take that much pain all at once. It hasn't even been a week since our little break was over. I needed space to get through Jenna, but now it's gonna take a lifetime to get over this.

I cried myself to sleep as I unfortunately had school the next day, I didn't want to go but I had to go.

Hay luvs Stacy here
Well.... This story took a huge turn, didn't it
Lol well I hope you enjoyed it there are many more to come
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All the love S.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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