I'll be back my love

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Harith - Oh, Harley!
it could be the demons again!
No, no, no, no not again!
I will sure to kill you demons!
(angry tears)

(Harley's P.O.V.)
Where am I, what's happening, it tied me up, I can't move, I couldn't shout for help, please someone,
Harith save me. Who are you?
what do you want from me?
do I know you? do you know who I am? Please let me go! (cries)

(someone slowly showed from the dark)

Harley - (scared) w-who are you?
do you want to hurt me? (sob)
please let me go!

Kidnapper - Harley.
(slowly took off its mask)

Harley - L-Lesley? but..... but how and when? why tied me up?
I'm your brother!

Lesley - I am so worried about you!
you make me feel so worried, and I can't sleep every night! (angrily)

Harley - I'm so sorry, I'm so heartbroken that night! and I can't help myself to leave! (angry tears)

Lesley - I am sorry....
I know this is all my fault.

Harley - it's not Lesley, it's okay now.

Lesley - okay but, don't ever leave me again! (hugs Harley)
(covers her face with hands and cries)
I love you so much!

Harkey - (soft hearted)
Oh Lesley, I miss you so much,
I love you too. you are the best sister that I could ever had.
Yes, I swear Lesley I would never leave you again.

Lesley - (hugs Harley)

**Harley remembers about Harith**
Harley - Oh, Lesley! we need to go!
I left my friend there.

Lesley - oh, you mean that Leonin boy?

Harley - Yes! we need to go
maybe he thought the demons kidnapped me, oh no, he'll go there alone, boy those demons are powerful!

Lesley - [about Mr.Vance, maybe the other day, I'll help Harley with this.]
I'll grab my sniper with me, Let's go.

Harley - (hugs Lesley) Thanks Les!

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