My world stops

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(Harith's P.O.V.)
[those eyes.... they're pretty....beautiful! he...and oh! he has a golden curly hair... I...mmm..] (beating heart really fast, with sparkles in his eyes and can't move) I'm t-terribly sorry! I uh I....I wasn't looking, sorry handso- uhh... sir! (smiles and started to blush)

(Harley's P.O.V.)
(whispered to his self) [what is heart started to beat fast. My world stops... oh he's a Leonin, it said they're never seen before. he's actually cute, wait what!?]
Oh! I apologize I wasn't looking too. (blushes)

(Nobody's P.O.V.)

Harith got back to his self and wanted to introduce his self. And Harley picks up his things.(Harith started a conversation)

Harith - I am sorry again, but let me introduce my self (smiles) my name is Harith. (smiles and blushes)

Harley - oh, Hi Harith nice to meet you (smiles).

Harith - Whoa! that was awesome!
[he looks smart too]

Harley - You're a Leonin right?

Harith - Yeah! and I am going to be a moniyan empire warrior soon!

Harley - but I thought Leonins went extinct.

Harith - (shocked) what? No (laughs)

Harley - because Leonins went vanished, and the people thought that Leonins are dead.

Harith - Oh! was it?, let me explain.
We hid from Abyss Demons, they wanted to torture and kill us.

Harley - oh I am sorry, now I know. but where are your other friends?

Harith - yesterday, the demons found us, and my friends went away, far from this forest. And I just lost my family.

Harley - I am sorry.

Harith - it's fine.

Harley - and you? you didn't come with them?

Harith - No, I need to go to moniyan empire to be a warrior, and beat those demons who destroyed my home.

Harley - that was fast but, I know you could do it.

Harith - Thanks! but you?
what have been you doing in this kind of deep forest?
I know you're from the city because we don't dress like yours (chuckles) you're pretty handsome.

Harley - (blushes) oh it's a long story. (looks away)
I'm a bit tired and it's getting dark soon.

Harith - oh, right!
come with me, I knew exactly a sweet- I mean a good spot for us to stay.

Harley - oh thanks, you're being so nice to me.

Harith - I don't have someone with me, maybe you could? (smirk)

Harley - (started to blush)
Um... not so sure, I only met you this day, I don't really trust anyone, I don't really trust strangers.

Harith - (looks down) Oh, it's okay
you can trust me, we're not strangers anymore, we know each others name
(gets near Harley)

Harley - (blushing a lot) not this close....(heart beating fast)

Harith - oh sorry, Let's go?

Harley - Yeah, I trust you now,
I'll come with you.

Harith - Yes! (smiles)

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