A Night's Discussion

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"So..." Ginny started, waiting for the others to say something. It was night, and the girls(Rose, Lucy, Lily, Hermione and Ginny) were all in Ginny's(Sirius's old bedroom) bedroom. Teddy and Victoire had got a new room built just for them and the boys(Hugo, Albus, James, Fred I, George and Fred II) were in Regulus's old room. There were more boys than girls so they had the bigger room, much to Lily's dismay as she had a bigger room than this in her house back in 2021. The girls were chatting and the boys were doing who-knows-what. "So...?" Lily said. Or asked. No one could decipher if she was asking something, saying something, or wanted to say something. So Hermione broke the very awkward silence between them. "So do any of you have a significant other? Or want one?" She asked. But she was mainly interested to find out Rose's crush/boyfriend/girlfriend. She motioned for Rose to start. "Well. . . I like Scorpius. . ." Rose said, quite nervously. Lily gasped in realization. "Oh, I knew it! I knew you liked him!" She exclaimed. Ginny giggled, and Lily realized she had stood up. She sat down and blushed. Ginny had now stopped laughing and shot her a look. A look Lily knew well. A look her mum uses even in the future. She gulped and stuttered some words but no one could hear what they were. "I-i-i er..i- l-like Lys--ander" "Sorry I can't hear you, could you speak again?" Hermione asked politely. Lily nodded and took a deep breath. "IlikeLysanderbutidontknowifhelikesmeback." Lily exhaled. No one could really understand what she was trying to say, but they decided to leave it, since they figured she wasn't comfortable talking about it. Lucy then spoke up, "Oh, I don't like anyone at the moment, but I'm sure I'll find someone!" She said. The others nodded. "What's your favorite honeydukes candy? If you've been there, of course. . ." Ginny asked. Lily suddenly became much more interested in talking to everyone now, because she answered as soon as the question was asked. "Ooh, ooh! Dad took me when in there when I was 9! I ate some Drooble's Best Blowing Gum and that's my favorite!" Lily exclaimed. Ginny nodded and smiled at her. "Dad once gave me a liquorice wand. They are fascinating!" "I like chocolate frogs the most! Mainly because of the cards though, because that's where I found out the identities of most wizards. . ." Rose said. Ginny laughed. Just like her mum, she thought. Then suddenly, Mrs. Weasley barged in. "Oh, girls! I expected better from you! Come on, back to sleep! And absolutely no talking!" Mrs. Weasley shut the door, muttering things that suspiciously sounded like "can't believe my daughter and granddaughter stay up gossiping!". The girls sighed and layer down on the scarlet and gold comforter. Lily, Lucy and Ginny had slept as soon as their heads hit their pillows(Lucy fell on the bed and slept in a graceful poition), But Rose and Hermione lay awake for most of the night, without realizing the other was awake.

Meanwhile, with the boys. . .

"...And then we sent them straight in Minnie's office! Her reaction was priceless..Even Roxie said that she'd pay about, what, 20 galleons to see it!" Fred exclaimed. The boys were up as well; Ron and Hugo playing an intense game of wizards chess("I thought you knew what you were doing!" Ron's knight shouted at him), Harry and Albus were cheering for them, Fred I, George, James and Fred II were discussing their biggest pranks. Ron was very shocked when he lost. To his own son. He wouldn't accept it as of now, but he was proud of his son. "I lost!! I can't believe it!" Ron yelled exasperatedly. Hugo just shrugged. Suddenly, Mrs. Weasley came in. She didn't look surprised that they were up, just told them to switch the light off and sleep. The others nodded and climbed into bed. Mrs. Weasley switched off the light and closed the door, wishing them a good night. The boys all fell asleep in a jiffy, all of them having a great sleep. Even Harry didn't have bad dreams, which was a rare occurrence. All had been well that night.

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