A Prank War

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"YESSS! GIVE ME MY EIGHTY GALLEONS REMUS!!!" Sirius shouts, bringing a hand forward to Remus indicating that he gives him his money. Remus reluctantly gave his money to Sirius before muttering "Whatever". Then suddenly, Mrs. Weasley practically screams, "Oh dear! I need to serve dinner!" She immediately starts bustling around the kitchen, accepting help from Victoire, Lucy and Rose. The rest go outside in the dining room to chat about the future. "Do you know, one time me and Freddie gave dad a clay cookie! He didn't eat it though, because when he took it it squashed in his hands..But he almost fell for it!" James gasped in the middle of a laughter fit. Sirius, Ron and Freddie started laughing, Remus, Lily and Hermione shook their heads, Harry was not happy at all, Teddy was confused about this, however, because he was at school at the time. "When did this happen?" He asked. James and Freddie just shook their heads and chuckled. "You don't wanna know" They both said at the same time. Everyone chuckled slightly. They didn't indeed.

Memory(If you aren't interested in the memory of where Fred II and James make Harry eat the clay cookie, skip this part!):

1st April, 2013

James and Fred II giggled as they moulded the clay James was gifted in the shape of a chocolate cookie. James knew that one of his dad's favorite muggle food were chocolate cookies, so this prank should be a breeze. "Hey dad," James casually said, as he plopped down on the Potter Manor's living room couch. His father could only do a quiet "Hm", since he was very hard at work. James took this as his advantage and smirked at Fred II. He had an idea. "Hey dad, Mum said she went to the store today and bought you chocolate cookies. Want one?" James said cheerfully. Harry's face lit up immediately. He nodded and grabbed the cookie from James's hand. He was about to eat it, when suddenly the cookie squashed in his palm somehow. Harry was very confused. James took this as an opportunity to try and walk away, when suddenly Harry called on his name and he froze. "JAMES! IS THIS YOUR DOING?" Harry questioned furiously, for he did NOT like clay. Especially since he can't eat it. James chuckled nervously. "Well....you see dad...funny story..." James ran to his room with his dad shouting after him. All be could hear was "...didn't care that I would have died!"

"Well, dears, if you are done eating we can clean up for a while before we sleep. Everyone, choose your locations!" Mrs. Weasley said, ushering them up and discussing of who gets to clean which location. "..Rose, Lily, Albus, you can start on the artefact room, Hugo and Victoire can clean the storage area, you know how those spiders pop out of nowhere, and the rest could clean the drawing room. Sirius, Remus, you can go help with the drawing room. I'll help Hugo and Victoire. Now off to work everyone!" Mrs. Weasley instructed. Everybody groaned; They HATED cleaning, present or future. Still, they started on the respective locations directed to them by Mrs. Weasley. James and Fred II had an idea. A prank war. "Hey, anyone want to play a game?" Fred II asked. Everyone looked up from the objects they were cleaning. James and Sirius made eye contact. They started communicating through their eyes, and when they were done, Sirius smirked. Then, he turned to everyone else. "Oh, yes, I would think so. It would lighten minds." Sirius said, smirking, and emphasizing the word 'lighten'. They all narrowed their eyes(everyone except Sirius, Fred II and James) but agreed. Though they wouldn't admit it, they were tired of cleaning. Sirius then shouted out of nowhere, "Obscuro!" While aiming his wand at Teddy. Poor Teddy kept bumping and crashing into walls because he couldn't see. Sirius, James and Fred II howled with laughter. Remus knew this would happen. That's why he came prepared. He muttered the counter curse and immediately discussed hexes and jinxes with Teddy. They both laughed evilly and fired a spell, Remus at Sirius and Teddy at James, "Petrificus Totalus!" "Immobulus!". James froze and fell on the floor with a shocked and betrayed face while Sirius just moved his eyes here and there and landed them on Remus and tried to say, "Let me move, now!" But instead it came out as, "Mm hmm mh, mmh!". It was Teddy and Remus's turned to burst out laughing. Remus then smirked evilly and raised an eyebrow at Sirius. "You want to move, do you? Alright, here you go! Tallantalegra(Sry if I spelled it wrong)!". Sirius was now dancing his feet off, while James still lied on the floor. Both father and son had a hearty laugh before unfreezing James and letting Sirius stand on one place. Both James and Sirius looked highly shocked. They whispered something to each other, before congratulating them. "Hmm. Not too bad, Lupins" James said, pretending to be amused. They all had a good laugh before they started working again.

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