Whisked away in time

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"Why do you want my Latin language book? You haven't picked up a book in your life!" Lily II said, narrowing her eyes at the boys suspiciously. They gulped. They didn't have any chance with her. But just when they thought luck wasn't on their side, James thought of a way to bribe his sister into giving them her book. James smirked. "Oh, dear sister, I thought if you gave me the book of yours we would show you what we need it for but alas! You have declined." James dramatically exclaimed, but not loudly so as not to be heard by Teddy and the others. Lily widened her eyes. "Fine. If you wanna play, we'll play." Lily said, trying not to look too curious. She opened her bedside cabinet and pulled out a thick, leather book with brown and black binding. She handed it over to James, who was amused with the weight but quickly adjusted it. They went into Harry's study and Fred II and James explained everything to Lily. She just nodded after they were done and sat down. "Alright, but don't take me in once you're caught by mum and daddy." She said, smirking. Oh no James thought. I hadn't thought about getting caught by mum and dad! Shoot! Fred II gulped at the thought of his parents(Mainly his mother, his dad would congratulate him) grounding him. But both the boys quickly let it slip. "Alright, what's the translation?" James added impatiently, since Fred II had the book. "Time magic is dangerous and should only be used in urgent situations. Hence, Create this potion at your own risk." James's eyes glinted with mischief. They adjusted the cauldron and Lily watched as they slowly began putting the ingredients in precisely. Then, after about half an hour, they were finally done brewing the potion! The boys beamed at their masterpiece while Lily gaped at them. When did they get so good at potions? She thought. She did a curt nod before pulling herself together and managing to say "Well, you're done then. Now what?" Before the door burst open to reveal the rest of their cousins and sibling, leaded by...

Teddy and Victoire.

"Now? Now is the time to...RUN!!!" James replied horrified, and tried to bolt out of the room, but Teddy held him back. "Not so fast, young man! Explain yourself!" He exclaimed, pushing James back into the room. "We...we were...just..um..looking for the...for the Marauders Map!" James stuttered, struggling to make up a story. Teddy raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh really? Then why do you have this potion James?" Teddy replied, VERY suspicious at the moment. Victoire nodded, narrowing her eyes at them. They just shrugged. Because James had an idea of how to convince Teddy.  "This? Oh yeah, I was just practicing for my OWLs! No problem here!" James said cheerfully, Smiling at all his cousins. Then rose cam forward and James wasn't so sure anymore. She whispered something to Teddy and he nodded. "James, back off, and don't you dare come leaping on me!" Teddy screamed. Then, he extended a hand to pick up the cauldron. Every second, his hand would get an inch closer to the potion. James held his breath and Fred II felt like he had lost his heartbeat.."OW!!" Teddy threw away the cauldron. Victoire leapt forward to Teddy. "Teddy, are you okay?! Here, let me fix that burnt finger!" She exclaimed, and Teddy nodded, shaking his palm vigorously. Victoire told him to keep his hand steady, and gently fixed his burnt finger. "That thing is bloody hot!" Teddy exclaimed. But James, Fred II and Lily were on to something else. While Victoire was healing Teddy, the cauldron fell on the ground and shattered into what seemed like a million pieces, and all their hard work spilled on the ground. He motioned for Teddy to look, but when he did, it was too late. All the cousins that were upstairs (Rose, Hugo, Albus, Lucy, James, Lily, Teddy, Victoire, Fred II) disappeared in a pop, as if they were apparating. But no one really knew, they were stuck in time.

There! 654 words! I tried my best to lengthen this chapter, so I hope you like it!

Till another update,

Jenny Lee.

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