Part IV - The Western Emerald: 72. Rouge

Start from the beginning

She stood abruptly, grabbed the maid by the hair and punched her in the face, allowing her snake ring to crunch satisfyingly against the woman's cheek. The woman screamed and fell to the ground holding her bloodied face.

Cui Xi barely heard the empress's outraged exclamation. As the maid was dragged out, Cui Xi turned to regard the woman on the dais with undisguised loathing.

"Majesty, what Su Qing said is reasonable. You cannot take me without evidence or without giving me a chance to defend myself against the charges. I am also a concubine of the Seventh Prince's household. If you do anything to me, Majesty, you must give him an explanation before you can punish me."

Cui Xi was suddenly glad that she had shoved Su Rou off to find the Seventh prince. There was no way that Zhao Ling Xian would not come.

"Won't it be too late if you are already dead?" the Empress laughed, finally rising to her feet.

She waved at one of the guards who strode up and kicked Cui Xi's legs out from under her. Another grabbed Su Qing and held a sword to her throat.

Cui Xi was able to catch herself before her face hit the floor, but she felt her wrists and knees ache from being kicked to the floor. She slanted a glance at Su Qing and shook her head.

"Hit her."

The guard dragged her up and slapped her hard across the face. Cui Xi felt stars exploding as her head snapped to the side.


Cui Xi grunted as the man's hand connected, snapping her head the other way.

"Hit her until she admits it!"

"Mother Empress!" a man's imperious voice cut through the roar in Cui Xi's ears. "Please wait."

Cui Xi had instinctively cringed, but the third blow did not fall.

"You!" Cui Xi heard the empress choke. "What are you doing in the inner palace?"

Her head snapped up and her eyes widened as she stared at the unfamiliar face of a richly dressed young prince, but she immediately recognizing his companion...a very petite, but charmingly elegant young woman who was already purposefully striding in through the door.

The Fifth Princess Consort Feng Ming Yen! That means he is...

"Mother Empress, this Royal son greets you...we had the eunuch announce our arrival, but I'm afraid that it wasn't heard through all this liveliness...we've just come from the Empress Dowager's palace. This Prince and Princess Consort have come to wish you well."

Cui Xi could not be more stunned as her rescuers were the Fifth Prince, Zhao Ling Fei, Prince of Chu, and his wife, Princess Consort Feng Ming Yen. As soon as he had finished speaking, the Princess Consort rushed in and wrapped an arm around her, bringing her to husband's side.

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