Part 48-...more than Gotham

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The city of Gotham held its breath in unison as the Batman flew the bomb over the Narrows, across Metropolis and beyond the residential areas to the river and then, finally, the sea. Citizens were now seeing the Bat they'd only heard stories about clearer than day. He flew out and he flew far, slowly becoming a speck on their horizon.
But, at dusk, when the bomb finally exploded, it lit the sky up like a supernova. For a moment, the light was blinding; but then the dark set in. The sun finished its descent casting Gotham in shadow. The city was for the first time silenced.
The silence lingered a while. But life started stirring again and the citizens of Gotham began picking the pieces of their city. People were trying to track down their families, find some warmth, some food. Helping hands started healing the sick, binding the broken, comforting those who grieved.

'Miss Kyle.'

Selina heard the old butler whisper behind her. He sounded tired. With some effort, she unglued her eyes from the sky and turned to him. For the first time, Selina thought of Alfred as an old, fragile man.

'Did he say anything...before?'

Selina tightened her grip on the receptor in her hand. 'No,' she said, and it came out more broken than her composure.

'Righ, I see...' Alfred looked at the young woman in front of him and realised that he'd always thought no one could love his boy more than he did. But he was wrong. No, Selina Kyle wasn't crying and she wasn't wailing, but she was broken. Her spirit was splintered, he could see it in her eyes. 'Well, I best go help the others.'

Selina watched as Alfred joined the efforts of clearing the debris off a front door. She was doctor Thompkins set up a medical tent. Gordon and his team were handing out blankets, food and water. She watched how in its darkest hours, Gotham became the brightest it had ever been. And for the first time, she didn't feel at home in the city. Turning her back to the crowd, Selina crawled home.

The dawn found Selina on the floor of her apartment cradling the receptor like a baby. She had run out of breath and tears. She didn't even think she could cry that much. Wail, she had been wailing, mourning the loss of this man more than she had mourned anything in her life.
He was gone, Bruce was gone and she felt like drowning in the realization. No one could have survived that blast, no matter how elaborate his suits had gotten, under the mask, he was still just a man. Selina had gone from anger to despair to exhaustion. Her body has sunk under the weight of it. Bruce was gone and she felt so desperately alone she didn't know what to do with herself. She couldn't see beyond the cracks in her linoleum floor.

As the light of morning started to filter through the drapes, she heard a noise outside. At first, she thought she's imagined it, but it happened again. Selina got up, all her instincts kicking her tired body into gear. She didn't realise how exhausted she truly was until she lifted her body off the floor. The noise again; her head snapped back towards her window. She made her way there carefully, opening the window that let her out onto the roof. The view left her breathless for a moment. Never had Gotham looked more beautiful than in the sun of this new day. She felt fresh tears escape down her cheek.
Then, the sound again, from behind her. She soon around on her heels ready to attack. Selina almost fell to her knees, threw up, almost choked on her cry. Bruce Wayne was leaning against the wall, half man, half bat, with more than a few scars but alive.
She rushed to him, all laughter and tears, and threw her hands around his neck. Bruce grunted loudly and she pulled away slightly but he wrapped his arm around her back and crushed her to him. Selina sighed and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She smelled his familiar scent and listened for his heartbeat. Alive. Alive. Alive.

After a long time, she heard Bruce whisper something. She looked up at him. 'What?'

Bruce cupped her face with one hand and looking her straight in the eyes, he repeated: 'More than Gotham.'' Selina looked at him confused. 'I love you more than Gotham.'

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