Part 47-Don't die

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The screech of the motorcycle tires echoed. Selina jumped off the bike and rushed to Bruce.

'What happened?' she asked, surveying his body.

'Miranda stabbed me,' he said, lifting his hand to reveal the wound. 'She shot Bane, she's-'

'Yeah, she's the evil bitch who orchestrated all of this,' Selina interrupted, pressing her hand to his side. 'Can you stand up?'


Selina draped one of his hands around her shoulders and circled an arm around his waist. In one swift motion, she had him off the ground. Batman grunted and spit out blood.

'We need to go after her. She has the bomb.'

Selina pulled the truck door open revealing Miranda's lifeless body. Trying to avoid their chase, she had crashed into a wall. Her face was splattered by blood but her eyes were still open, staring right at Selena and she realised she felt sorry for this lonely woman that had died in such away. Hm, out of all the things Selina Kyle ever thought she was gonna do, feeling sympathy for Miranda Tate was not one of them. But it was not an altogether bad feeling. She sighed and closed the door on Talia.

'She didn't make it,' she told Bruce,  Gordon and Lucius. Bruce clenched his jaw but said nothing.

'So what do we do about the bomb?' Gordon asked.

'Throw it in the river?' Selina suggested.

'No, the blast power would still be too high,' Lucius explained.

'We need to fly it out,' Bruce said.

'No,' Selina said.

'You wouldn't be able to drop it far away enough. And if you do, you wouldn't be able to come back,' Lucius said.

'We have to try,' Bruce said.

Gordon looked him in the eye. 'We do.'

'No,' Selina repeated, louder this time.

'Selina,' Bruce started but she interested him.

'It's suicide.'

Lucius and Gordon took this opportunity to attach the bomb to the batmobile.

'I can make it. You know I can make it,' Bruce appealed.

'All I know is that it's always either the city dies or you die. How many times can you win, Bruce?' she whispered.

'I just need one more.'

He smirked at her and tears gathered in her eyes. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her head in his shoulder. 'Don't you dare die on me, Bruce Wayne!'

Bruce rested his head in the crook of her neck and inhaled her scent, her warmth. He pulled away all too soon. 'If anything happens, I need you to be the one to tell Alfred...'

Selina nodded, the tears in the corners of her eyes were threatening to escape. Bruce place a gloved finger on her cheek. 'I love you, Selina Kyle.'

And he was gone.

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