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"So how are we supposed to know Egypt okay?" Mrs aphelion said biting her nails watching her husband pacing the floor up and down in a nervous wreck with a folded piece of paper in his hands.

"Well it is obvious Monica that he has her. It doesn't take a little common sense to realise that does it now?"

Mrs aphelion left the room and the other stayed sitting down. They wanted to get their daughter back but why now?

They didn't care before and there not meant to care at all...


"Look I'm tired acting like this fucking posh boy ya heard. When is this girl meant to be leaving?" Kentrell tried to whisper on the phone.

"Fuck you mean you don't know? Listen mane i ain't doing this no more ain't no wannabe nice posh creepy guy no moe im gonna be me, and if there's a problem come check me bitch."

Kentrell slammed the phone on the table. It was pretty early for him to be awake but he was up re thinking. He normally doesn't do this anymore and he doesn't really do it with a woman around his waist.

Kentrell shook his head and lighted a blunt, he hadn't smoked in ages and to him this was a relief to have that feeling again. He didn't care how much he did he just wanted it in his system.

Smelling the aroma of weed, Egypt sniffed and coughed lightly as she gazed upon the sudden relaxed Kentrell.

"Are you smoking at 8:00AM in the morning?" She yawned. Kentrell laughed as he ignored the question.

"Fine ignore me then." Egypt kissed her teeth as she tried to get out of his grip, "Are you going to let me go?"

"Nope yo ass ain't going anywhere." Kentrell said holding a firm grip on her. Egypt stopped her movements and looked at him strangely.

Why is he talking like that?

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked resting her hand on his forehead and then under his throat.

Kentrell shooed her hand off him, "Aye stop." He said taking another inhale from his blunt.

"Today your gonna pick up taylin for me and den we're gonna go shopping for yo ass, ok?" Kentrell stated getting out of bed heading towards the bathroom.

"So when am I going to leave the house without having it to be about you?" She crossed her arms and legs sitting in the bed.

Kentrell looked at her through the mirror, "let me think... that's a tough one."

Kentrell turned the shower on as he looked at Egypt staring outside of his bedroom window that had a great view of the city.

"You gonna get in wimmie or you gonna bird watch?" Kentrell smirked standing in front of the shower door.

"Hmm is that a question or you telling me what to do?" She replied but she already knew he was demanding so Egypt got up and undressed.

Kentrell's hands traveled up Egypt's waist slowly grabbing her hips as the two cleansed each other.

"Your body is so pretty like this." Kentrell whispered pulling her closer than she already was.

"I would fuck you here and right now if we wasn't going anywhere, unless you want too right now." Kentrell said in her ear ad his hands somehow found its way to her area palming it gently making her gasp.

"Look at you already lost for words and I haven't done anything yet." Kentrell said kissing her from the shoulders slowly towards her neck.

"I don't want to waste a perfect opportunity so when we get back I hope you know what's about to go down." Kentrell smirked as Egypt gulped stepping out the shower.

Not so long after Egypt put her clothes on Kentrell came out the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. His v line that was a deep shape was shown which gave off his six pack that he wasn't afraid to hide.

Egypt was mesmerised and couldn't take his eyes off him as he looked in his wardrobe for some clothes.

"You see somethin you like Egypt huh." Kentrell laughed as she turned away looking at her nails.

The two was in the car listening to music, one of Egypt's favourite songs, "Adorn by Miguel."

Kentrell phone started ringing from an unknown number, he looked at funny hesitant to answer. He accepted the call not answering to allow them to talk first since they called him.

With no one speaking Kentrell spoke up, "listen don't call this phone if you ain't gonna talk nigga."

He ended the call huffing shaking his head to see both taylin and Egypt knocked out. He gave a small smile but thag quickly faded.


The parents were thinking and trying to get in contact with everyone that used to know Kentrell but they all had the same reply.

"We haven't heard of that nigga in years."

To think that if they didn't mess up the job that was needed to be done their daughter would've been safe?

Mrs aphelion sat down by herself, why was she doing this if they abandoned her and why are they suddenly caring.

She was never a good mother to her and is trying to be one now.

"Look babe I've asked everyone who used to be in the old neighbourhood if they've seen him and none of them have it's like that man is anonymous." Mr aphelion sighed.

"Look derek we just gotta hope she's safe I mean she is what 17, 18, 16 I don't know but that's not the point." She started off. "If we never shot his grandma do you think Kentrell would've acted like this."

"Monica that's the past things happen, all we need to do now is get back our daughter."

"What if she doesn't remember us or what if she doesn't wanna see us I mean we haven't been the best parents." Mrs aphelion cried wiping her eyes.

"Well we are gonna have to see, we're not letting him get away with this."....

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