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After that incident, Egypt spent the rest of the night in that room. She tossed and turned in her sleep, panting trying to get this thing that keeps appearing in her head.

'Egypt, why did you do that baby.' Egypt shuffled around in somewhat they same leather chair she was in last time.

'We were getting so close and you had to ruin it. first you wanna get fucked the shit out of then your running away, but we're gonna sort that out.'

Tears ran down Egypt's face mixing with sweat and her hand gripped the arm chair tight moving within the seat.

She couldn't breathe, she was stuck trapped and alone.

"Egypt Egypt." Kentrell clicked in her face instantly grabbing then releasing her from her sweatiness.

"What happened." She panicked holding her chest. Kentrell shrugged his shoulders confused aswell.

"Ion know I just heard you screaming and crying whatever so I came here, what's up." Kentrell leaned against the door.

Egypt shook her head not wanting to sound crazy to tell him about the dreams or these things she was having.

"Nothing I'm fine." She mumbled.

"Look do you wanna come with me to get something to eat I need to pick up taylin anyways." He offered.

She nodded quickly standing up and putting on some jeans. The two left the room as they entered the car which revealed iyanna.

"What took you so long bae, why is she here?" Iyanna mugged.

"Nothing to do with you get in the back seat." He demanded as she did what she was told.

Egypt got in the passenger seat and could feel iyanna mugging her.

The car drive was silent and awkward that it made Kentrell mad. He pulled up to Canes and stopped the car jolting them forwards.

"Get out iyanna." Kentrell calmly said as iyanna huffed doing as was told.

Egypt stayed in the car playing with her fingers nervous for some reason. "You wanna stay in the car or do you wanna come inside with me?" Kentrell said rubbing her thigh up and down.

"Actually fuck the food it can wait, I want you to do something for me." Kentrell smirked pulling up to a secluded area.

"See I got an issue and I want you to fix it." Kentrell rubbed his hands on his legs, "And since you left mid way of our little entanglement I think you owe me an apology."

Kentrell forcefully grabbed her chin, kissing her to which she kissed back. Once again falling underneath his submissive behaviour.

He added tongue as he grabbed the back of her neck roughly squeezing it making her Yelp. Kentrell grabbed her as she sat down on his lap continuing to kiss him.

She let one hand travel down to his joggers rubbing his through his pants making him grown.

She pulled away from the kiss biting on his swollen plump lip. Egypt lowered herself down to her knees. "You had a problem right?" Egypt asked him as he nodded instantly.

She released his dick from his boxers, slowly stroking it as Kentrell shifted within the seat, trying to get comfortable.

"Do I gotta show you how I like it or do-." Kentrell started but Egypt shushed him with her fingers as she started stroking him.

"Shii." Kentrell whispered. Egypt slowly placed him in her mouth as she bobbed her head up and down creating a slow pace teasing him slightly by lowering herself down further on his inches that seemed to go on forever.

Egypt hummed against his dick making Kentrell throw his head back, seconds away from nutting and hasn't even been that long. She took him out of his mouth tapping his dick against her tongue, "Fuck your gonna get this in your mouth you dirty little girl."

Within the instant he did just that breathing heavily as Egypt got up but Kentrell held her down. "You think sucking my dick like that isn't gonna get you fucked." He grabbed her by the throat biting her lip trying to hold herself together.

"Hmm Egypt answer me." He demanded as she shrugged her shoulders lowering down to his ear.

"Well I'm gonna have to find out aren't I, Daddy?" She smirked getting into the passenger seat avoiding all eye contact.

Pulling out her mirror she could still feel Kentrell glaring at her in suprise. He was turned on alright but he was the one in control and he always will be.


Well today was eventful for the two and to say after there little encounter they actually had fun with each other at some points but overall it was pretty strange day.

Heading home they drove in silence only hearing the music that was coming from the speaker.

Alexa play 'Aston Martin Music

Egypt instantly remembered this song. It was the last one she heard before her parents left to this day she doesn't know where. Everything just hit her.

How did she end up with this stranger, a guy she met not so long ago. He was so charming very open towards her for him to suddenly change.

Everything was a blur to her, she just wanted to go home but she couldn't it was like she stuck here, even if she tried she would have no where to go.

Egypt glanced over at him.

The sunset reflecting in his hazel eyes as he drove to listening to the music peacefully humming along. He felt her staring at her as he turned around smirking.

"You see something you like?" He laughed as she shook her head looking out the window.

Taylin was fast asleep in the backseat and she knew that she would have to be babysitting some nights whilst Kentrell was working.

I mean he was a cute baby and she didn't mind at all to look after him and sometimes Kentrell did help but it was getting tiring.

Looking back at him she smiled as she rested her head on the window.

Somehow she felt more comfortable around him like she was now not afraid. She doesn't know him at all but little does she know he knows everything about her.

And this was just step 1.

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