I noticed Damiano wasn't in the office when I was, so I took my phone out of my back pocket, opened it up and found his name on the list. I'm still standing outside the office, leaning against the wall as the phone rings.

The ringing stops and Damiano answers the phone.

"Señorita DeLaine?" He says over the phone and I put it up to my ear.

"Dónde diablos estás?" I hiss at him. I swear to god if he's fucking someone -
(Translation: Where the fuck are you?)

"Estoy de Camino a la oficina ahora, por qué?" He replies back to me, but I hear him from a distance on the phone. I am going to fucking kill him if he's only just woken up. Does he know what time it is? This has got to stop. He's done it far too many times now for my liking.
(Translation: I'm right on my way up to the office now, why?)

"Harry encontró un correo electónico enviado a algunos de sus hombres de Luciano. Está planeado algo en unos dos meses. Todo el mundo está decidido a encontrar más correos electrónicos encriptados que envió, o las  posibles respuestas, como tú, ahora." I explain to him as he hums back in response. I hear a door shut on his side of the call.
(Translation: Harry found an email sent to some of Luciano's men. He is planning something in two months. Everyone is determined to find more encrypted emails he may have sent, or possible responses, as are you, now.)

He mutters something underneath his breath, as I hear him hurrying up the stairs on his side of the call. "Si jefa."
(Translation: Yes, boss.)

"Oh, and if you don't fucking get here at the time everyone else does next time-"

"Sorry, shit, I know, I'll be right up-" I hang up on him before he can utter any more of his apology. It's pathetic. I stuff my phone back in my pocket and then head down the hall to the stairs, making my way down to the liquor cabinet downstairs near the kitchen. I need a drink after finding out this information about Luciano. And after the last night with Elodie... Just after everything.

We're not far from close to finding out the exact plan Luciano's stormed up, we've already got the basics. Whereabouts it is, when it is and that it's a big thing.

The most important thing to find out now is the exact date. The thought of being in the dark about this is going to drive me insane if I don't find out soon.

I'm on my way down the stairs when I get a text on my phone. I take it out of my back pocket and read it. 

'The message from Luciano was sent yesterday.' 

The text was from Harry. Good, progress. Since he sent the message yesterday, there will be emails coming in from the holders of the message given in the next few days. That's good, we can find those and find out more in no time. I hope.

As I reach the liquor cabinet, I take the key I took from Harry out of my pocket. I didn't have my key on me, and I needed that drink. I'm never in possession of the key, and I haven't been since my parents died and I started drinking heavily. I took it from Harry while he wasn't looking. He always has a set of keys in his blazer pocket, and I happen to know perfectly which one is used for the cabinet. I had to take them all, but I'll return them once I'm done. I pick the key out of the many others, flip it the right way, push it through the lock and turn it. Once I open the door, I reveal the darkened room, filled with all sorts of bottles - a lot of them. Ciders, whiskeys, wines, everything. I hum to myself, stepping inside the room and taking a wide look around the shelves.

I spot the whiskey aisle, setting my eyes on one of the bottles from the shelf which I remember liking. Reaching for it, I take it off the shelf and bring it down to me. Exactly the drink I needed. I unscrew the lid of the bottle and bring it up to my lips. I tip the bottle up and taste the whiskey firing down my throat. I've missed this feeling.

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