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Adjusting to life without the revival book wasn't exactly the simplest task on XD's behalf. It'd taken him an awful amount of time trying to get used to his new life of freedom and free will, as well controlling his complex behaviour changes.

Trust wasn't something easily earned by the celestial, that's for sure. Or the others, so it seems.

Of course, this didn't mean people hated the guy (even though Tommy profusely says so). It was... complicated.

The downside of being the lookalike of an imprisoned, psychotic, manipulative war-criminal finally seemed to be brought to his attention. Or everyone's attention. Everywhere, absolutely everywhere he would go to, he would receive the uneasy glances of strangers, who'd have the instant impression that he was no good based upon his unfortunately familiar looks. Of course, he could easily just change his appearance to fit the other's preferences, but he didn't find it necessary.

Only her approval mattered, and she accepted him. That was more than enough.

The two lovers soon found themselves tracking down the prime path after a somewhat... chaotic encounter with a certain rebellious blonde, his loud and energetic personality having drilled an awful headache into their skulls. Even XD, a god who was incapable of experiencing any physical pain or harm, felt as though his head was spinning into oblivion.

Tommy made sure to give them the most tiresome, exhausting time he possibly could offer. He, out of everyone who'd been introduced to XD, probably had the worst first encounter with the guy. At first, he had refused to be within 10 feet of the winged celestial, his voice raising a couple octaves high with his loud remarks and demands. He only ever delivered empty threats to the duo, alongside aggressive remarks along the lines of 'fucking psychopath' this, and 'twisted bastard' that. None of which were at all accurate in the girl's eyes. None of which she would take from the young teen.

She wasn't that mad, though. She understood that Tommy of all people had the worst experience with the actual 'twisted bastard'. More-so than herself. At least for her, she had actual good memories with the man, as well as the bad ones. But Tommy's was full of grief and resentment, nothing but absolute fear and hatred for him. He had completely deteriorated and ruined the boy's life - and that, in her eyes, was pretty unforgivable.

Regardless, she had eventually calmed the teen down to a somewhat calm standard, to where his furious shouts fell into quiet mumbles and curses. The two left not too much later, figuring it was probably for the best before X potentially lost his temper, too. She trusted him not to, but even so, that fight would not have been a pretty sight.

Their intertwined hands swung slightly between them, his smooth, tan palm encasing her own smaller one, capturing her fingers like a flytrap.

Clicking her tongue rather loudly, Y/N turned her eyes to her lover's pristine ones, a slight regretful look lingering within her E/C orbs.

"I'm sorry about Tommy... It completely slipped my mind that he wasn't exactly on the greatest terms with Dream, and seeing you probably freaked him out a little too much... I hope he didn't startle you - he's a good kid, and really does mean no harm." She apologised, a slight frown tugging at the corner of her lips. X looked down at her in mild confusion, a look she easily mistook for mild annoyance or unconcern. It wasn't exactly too easy trying to decipher his feelings when his expression rarely changed, besides the occasional tick of his brow or twitch of his lips.

"Why are you apologising?" He asked, genuinely curious. Her lips parted in slight surprise to his words, losing all recollection of what she planned to say.

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