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a/n: feeding you another chapter cause I felt bad abt the short chapter + the cliffhanger lol yw <3 also, slight warning, this chapter will be angsty. I'm not using that word lightly, this chapter is nearly all tears and pain.
enjoy :]

His hair still hung over his forehead, only a bit lengthier since she last saw him, surprisingly. The waves seemed to have lost it's prior volume, however, instead looking much messier and, honestly, a little depressing. A tattered, bloody mask concealed the majority of his face, it's smile haunting her in every way as it seemed to mock her for even standing there to begin with.

All-in-all, he'd certainly seen brighter days. Not that he could see them in this skyless cell of his, regardless.

Her stare on him hardened further, her lips forcing themselves shut as she swallowed the urge to spit out all the vile things that burdened her mind since her arrival. Thankfully, her glare seemed to speak enough volumes, as a chuckle of his own broke the tense silence. 

Whilst she may have been pissed beyond belief, he was stuck in a state of awe from seeing her actually stand before him again.

Still, he inched even closer, a slight smile growing from behind his mask as he took in her features.

"God, this better not be another dream." He murmured, before reaching a hand out to touch her cheek, praying to feel her once again.

She could feel the warmth of his skin nearing her own as it hovered by her face, only mere millimetres from making contact. But that wasn't happening in her book. Before it could close the distance between them, her own hand reached up and clasped his wrist tightly, hard enough to bruise as she held it from her face. His brows jumped slightly at that, a small sigh passing his lips as he felt - actually felt her hold on him.

Words couldn't explain how refreshing that felt, even if it were for all the wrong reasons.

His smile grew into one of pure, ignorant joy.

"You're actually he-"

"Stop it." She spat, her tone dark.

He blinked at her words, his smile faltering slightly as he was greeted with a tone he had never heard from her before. Not once. Not even before. Now he finally took in her infuriated expression, her brows creased upon her forehead as her eyes stared daggers into his own. He wasn't quite sure how he might've missed it the first time, considering he'd been staring at her for at least 5 minutes now. Maybe he really was blinded by affection. Like she used to be. Like he used to be.

She breathed out a silent sigh, gathering her composure in order to not act on her anger and maintain her collectedness.

"I'm not here to rekindle, Dream; let alone act like a couple, when you know damn well we're not. So, watch it." She stated harshly, dropping his wrist and letting it fall to the side. His chest stung a little at the name she called him -  even if it had been his 'name' for the past couple years or so, he'd almost never heard it from her. It was always Clay. The way she said it sounded so foul and bitter, it made him feel wounded.

"How can I help you then, love?" He spoke, ignoring her wishes to refrain from the sweet behaviour. She rolled her eyes at that, scowling at his words before crossing her arms over her chest.

"I need to cut you out of my life. For good." She responded determinedly, sensing the smirk that spread upon his face, "You've been creating problems around me ever since you cut me off and I thought that if I just ignored the issue it would soon fade away, just like any normal problem would. But it hasn't. It feels like this week, they've increased more than ever. I can't even sleep anymore without seeing you there. It's not healthy and I want— I need to move on."

celestial's ideal | dream XD x reader |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें