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4 days.


That was the only thing she could conjure as she stared at one of the many posters that had littered the SMP for a couple weeks now with a sour expression.

The Spring Ball.

She'd almost forgotten that it was already that time of year yet again for one of the country's only celebrations to occur, let alone in a couple days time. It was a day of remembrance for all to recall and celebrate the day the SMP was founded a couple years back, a day Y/N used to enjoy. The last few years had been cancelled due to conflict on multiple parties, including literal civil wars taking place, so she was a little surprised to see that they decided to continue the event for this April. Honestly, this was the first time she wasn't looking forward to it. Mostly because this time she wouldn't be attending with her usual date.

This day always held a special meaning to her, at least until he made it a day she'd rather forget. It was the day the pair had met for the first time, dancing in a filled ballroom where their initial interest first grew. Eventually that interest grew into friendship, and then affection. They were only teens, 17, give-or-take. Every year from then, the pair would attend together, perform that same dance of theirs and relive the moment they cherished so dearly. Cliche, right? But that moment back then forever made a permanent stain in her mind, a time she could feel giddy, in-love all over again. Now, that feeling was reprised with misery.

With a heavy sigh, she slid her hand down from the poster, revealing the time and date displayed at the bottom. 'SAT. APRIL 24TH, 20:00 - KING ERET'S CASTLE'.

Shit. That's only a couple of days away, so soon. Y/N hadn't expected the time to have flown so quickly, to a point where the event was a mere couple days from now. As she stepped away from the poster with a slight grudge in her step, her back immediately met a hard surface of some kind, startling her immediately. The so-called 'hard surface' happened to have been no other than the celestial she had been half-expecting to see, his head peering down to stare at the poster she had been watching less than 10 seconds ago. His stare, though she couldn't actually see it, was easily deciphered as hard and reading, his mannerisms being a clear giveaway. Stepping out of his way, Y/N chuckled nervously upon his appearance.

"Oh! Uh... Hi, DreamXD..." She spoke nervously, rubbing the nape of her neck self-consciously, as he continued to read the poster. After a couple more moments, he finally shifted, his head tilting to look at her before pointing at the poster curiously.

"Ball?" He asked, his voice softer than usual as he looked at the sheet of paper cluelessly. Y/N perked a brow at him, glancing between both him and the flyer before her eyes stopped on him. Did he not know what a ball was?

"Yeah, they host one nearly every year, and a bunch of people are invited to join in the King's Castle.  Y'know... dancing, fruit punch, fancy dresses, tuxes - all that?" She explained, wavering her hand about as she spoke. DreamXD's eyes watched closely as she spoke, not even nodding to confirm that he knew what she was on about. Did he really not know? Being a 'god of these lands' and all, she'd thought he'd at least have some idea of what a simple dance was.

"I don't... get to know too much about the mortals besides a basic understanding of names and fulfilling their needs when they ask it of me. Those sorts of deeds tend to just be gear, riches, power - not really anything more." He explained after hearing her mind tick, hovering around to her other side as he spoke. Y/N's mouth formed the shape of an 'o' at his words, realisation hitting her hard like a brick. No wonder... He moved to rest a hand over the poster, examining the glittery decorations that littered the cover. Honestly, she felt half-bad that deals were all he'd ever known - hell, he might not even know what he was touching right now: a literal sheet of paper. Maybe she could help with that. Try and grow more comfortable with the guy. Clearing her throat, Y/N stood taller and straightened herself out.

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