25. Second Best

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Genevieve soon became used to her new way of life, and adjusted to not having Tom around as much.
Her Kneazle Hope, accompanied her everywhere, and didn't even allow Genevieve to go to the bathroom alone.
Tom was still madly in love with Genevieve, and certainly showed her how devoted he was to her, when he was around, to make up for his absences.
He didn't spend much time with Salazar, because when he was home he wanted to spend alone time with Genevieve.
All this alone time, increased the probability that Genevieve would fall pregnant again.
And shortly after Salazar's 3rd birthday, Genevieve gave birth a second time.

"Once again, you have made me the happiest man alive" praised Tom.
Genevieve was lying on the bed beside Tom, with their newborn son in her arms, and Hope by her feet.
Unlike Tom and Salazar, this child had blue eyes instead of green, and black hair instead of brown.
But even though he shared Genevieve's natural eye colour, he did not have Heterchromia like her and her father.
"I was hoping for a girl. But I'm sure I will love this child just as much as Salazar" admitted Genevieve, before kissing her baby's head softly.

"Do you have a name for him?" Asked Tom.
"You're leaving me to pick the names again?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Well, I thought that since you did such a good job with the last child, you should decide on the name of this child as well" answered Tom.
"It's a good thing I've been thinking of names all throughout this pregnancy then"
"So, you have a name?"
"Yes, I thought that it was time to accept who I am, and name this child after my father. So, this little one will be called Gellert Gaunt Slytherin".

"You want him to have Gaunt as a middle mame?" Questioned Tom.
"I do. It was your family's surname afterall, so I think it would be nice to keep the name alive, otherwise it will disappear when your uncle Morfin dies in Azkaban" admitted Genevieve.
"It's a lovely idea. But are you really ready to name this child after your father?" Quizzed Tom.
Genevieve sighed and nodded her head, "Yes. I think it's time I faced up to the fact that he is my father, and not my uncle. I don't plan on telling anyone else that truth, except our son when he is old enough. My father did what he thought was best, and it's time I stopped hating him for the choices he made. He always loved me, and deep down I always knew that. So, I want to name our son Gellert, in honour of him. I would love for my father to meet his grandson, but I know that is not possible right now".

"Whatever you want, you shall have. And once I have taken over the world, I shall free your father from Nurmengard, so that he can be a part of our lives" announced Tom.
"Thank you" smiled Genevieve, before kissing Tom's cheek.
"Both of our sons are going to have a lot to live up to, given that they are named after two famous dark wizards" admitted Tom.
"They would have a lot to live up to, even if they were given normal names, because they are our children. They are the descendants of 4 mighty families, and the children of Lord Voldemort and Genevieve Grindelwald. They were never going to have easy normal lives" replied Genevieve.
"I guess that's true. Growing up here, with us, is not exactly normal"
"No, but who wants to be normal anyway? Normal is boring"
"We have never been boring, nor will we ever be".

Genevieve heard Salazar having a tantrum in the distance, causing her to sigh.
"I wonder how Salazar is going to react to being a big brother" she said quietly.
"It might take him a while to adjust, but I'm sure he will love having a little brother" reassured Tom.
"I hope you're right, because I don't want them to fight all the time" admitted Genevieve.
"All siblings fight, so I'm told. But since we were both only children, we do not know how siblings behave around each other"
"No, but we are going to find out very soon".

"Are you going to have Charlotte raise them both?" Questioned Tom.
"No. Looking after a newborn and a 3 year old, all day and night, would be far too demanding for one person. Besides, I didn't want Salazar to feel like he had to share Charlotte. Gellert it going to need a lot of looking after, just like Salazar did when he was a baby. And I didn't want Salazar to feel like he was second best, or like he had been pushed to the side. Which is why I have assigned Eloise the maid, to be Gellert's nanny, so that Charlotte can continue to raise Salazar" revealed Genevieve.
"That was a very smart thing to do" praised Tom.

Genevieve blushed, "I thought it was the best way to give them both what they needed".
"Well, it was a brilliant idea. Let's just hope we don't have too many more children, or we will run out of maids to clean the house" joked Tom.
"Think of the postives though, we could have our own army of pure-bloods, made out of our hundreds of children" chuckled Genevieve.
"We would definitely need a bigger house"
"Yes. But don't worry, I do not want to have to be pregnant quite that many times. I wouldn't say no to a couple more kids, but I have no intention of getting pregnant too much more, because it is a lot of strain on one's body"
"That's good, because I do not want to be the father of 100 children".

Genevieve grinned, "Lord Voldemort, father of the world".
"No thank you. I want the world to fear me, not think of me as a dad" admitted Tom.
"Don't worry, once our children are grown they will be an asset to your cause and not a hindrance" promised Genevieve.
"I know. They are my children, so like me, they will have a thirst for power. And together, we will build a dynasty to last a thousand years. Nothing will ever stand in our way!".

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