7. Needs Must

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As time passed, Genevieve and Tom fell into a new routine.
Once a week Tom would visit Hepzibah Smith, while Genevieve met up with Alec Wilde.
Although neither of them liked their tasks, they both knew that what they were doing was necessary.
"I'm home" Tom called out one afternoon, as he entered the apartment and made his way over to where Genevieve was sitting.
"Hi Vee. Your flowers for Hepzibah are on the side" informed Genevieve, after Tom greeted her and kissed her cheek.
"Thank you" replied Tom, as he headed over to the kitchen table where a bunch of red roses were wrapped in a bouquet.

"You're welcome. Oh, an owl also came for you. I left the letter beside the flowers" admitted Genevieve.
Tom picked up the letter and began to tear open the envelope.
"Who's it from?" Asked Genevieve.
"Professor Slughorn. He's offering to introduce to me to his Ministry contacts again. Apparently someone as amazing as me, shouldn't be working as a meer shop assistant" answered Tom.
"That must be the third owl he's sent you since we left Hogwarts"
"He is desperate to make sure I get a good job, so that it will reflect well on him. He only wants me to do well, so that he can use me later on. Because if I become Minister for Magic, I can do things for him and get him whatever he wants".

Tom placed the letter down onto the table, and frowned as he saw a small brown sack sitting there.
"Is this your money for Alec?" Questioned Tom, as he placed his hand on top of the sack.
"Yes. Another 50 galleons that I've got to give him" sighed Genevieve.
"Well, it's getting nearer to Christmas, so you should remind him that your time together is running out. It's time he held up his end of the bargain, and gave you the photos he has of you" replied Tom.
"Don't worry, I plan on bringing it up".

Genevieve climbed out of her seat and picked up the sack of galleons, which she then placed inside her bag.
"You look nice" informed Tom, as he looked at the black body-con dress she was wearing.
"Is that a problem? Am I not allowed to look good?" Asked Genevieve.
"No it's not a problem, but I just find it strange that you decided to dress up to meet with Alec" admitted Tom.
"I didn't dress nice for him. If I have to spend time with that creep, I can at least feel good about myself and how I look. I don't have to dress like a homeless person just because I don't like him"
"No, I suppose you don't... I guess I'll see you later"
"Yep. Have fun with Hepzibah".

When Genevieve arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, Alec was already waiting for her at their usual table.
"You look amazing" complimented Alec, before kissing her on the cheek.
"I suppose you don't look too shabby either" sighed Genevieve, as she took a seat opposite him.
"Thanks" replied Alec.
Genevieve removed the galleons from her bag, and slid them across the table towards Alec. Who then placed them quickly inside his pocket.

"You didn't count them out this time" said Genevieve.
"I trust you enough now to know that you wouldn't try and trick me. Besides, I can just count them when I get home to make sure you gave me the right amount" admitted Alec.
"Yes, you can. But as normal, I have given you the correct amount" promised Genevieve.
"That is good to hear... How have you been?"
"I'm fine"
"Have you done anything interesting since last week?"
"I don't know what you are expecting me to say Alec. I go to work, and then I come home. That's it".

This was a lie, as Genevieve and Tom had hosted a gathering at the weekend, with his death eaters. But Genevieve couldn't tell Alec that, since he was an auror.
"You're so young though. You should be out having fun and partying. Especially now that the Muggle war has ended. You should be making the most out of your life" insisted Alec.
"Partying isn't really my thing. I would much rather be at home with Tom" admitted Genevieve.
"That sounds awfully boring to me" replied Alec.
"Well, maybe if you got yourself a girlfriend, you would enjoy spending more time at home too"
"I don't want a girlfriend... I've got my eyes on someone far more special".

Genevieve rolled her eyes, "How many times do I have to tell you that I will never date you. I have a fiancè".
"You're not married yet" pointed out Alec.
"Me and Tom have promised to love each other until the day we die, and no one is ever going to come in between us. I will never go out with you, so you have to get over me and move on" said Genevieve sternly.
"I'm still holding out hope that you will change your mind, before you get married".

"Listen to me very clearly, I do not like you. And we are not friends. The only reason I am here, is because you are blackmailing me. I wouldn't be here, if it weren't for those photos you have of me. Speaking of which, it's time you held up your end of the bargain. Christmas is approaching, and you promised me that before then, you would give me the photos of myself. If you don't bring them with you next time, me and you are going to fall out, big time" warned Genevieve.
"O.K. You can have them" promised Alec.

"So, you'll bring them with you next week?" Questioned Genevieve.
"No, I don't want to have them on my person, in case anyone else gets their hands on them. I'm sure you don't want that either" answered Alec.
"How will I get them back then?" Asked Genevieve.
Alec pulled out a piece of parchment and handed it to Genevieve.
"This is my address. Come over tomorrow evening for dinner, and I will give you the photographs" instructed Alec.

"Why can't we go there now?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"Because my home is not fit for visitors. I want to make it look nice before you arrive" blushed Alec.
"How do I know you won't have an army of aurors waiting to arrest me when I get there?" Questioned Genevieve.
"You will just have to trust me"
"That's the thing about trust, it has to be earned"
"And I haven't earned your trust, in all these weeks we've been meeting up?"

Alec sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Look, if tomorrow is the last time we are going to spend time together, then I want to make the most of it. I want you to dress up nice, and come over for dinner. Once we have both eaten, I will hand over the photographs, you have my word".
"I guess since I don't have another choice, I will agree to your demands. I will come over to your house tomorrow" agreed Genevieve.
"Good. I will see you at 7pm then" replied Alec.
"I can't wait" said Genevieve sarcastically, before getting up and making her way back home, leaving Alec behind.

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