8. Moving On

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When Genevieve got home she saw that Tom was waiting for her, and he looked happier than she had ever seen him before.
"Someone's in a good mood" commented Genevieve, as she hung up her coat.
"I found it. Slytherin's locket. Hepzibah Smith showed it to me today. And not only does she have the locket, but she also has Helga Hufflepuff's cup, because she's a descendant of Hufflepuff" revealed Tom.
"No wonder you look so excited. Not only have you found what you were looking for, but you have been rewarded with another important artifact belonging to a Hogwarts founder" replied Genevieve.

"I never expected this to happen, and I'm so excited" admitted Tom.
"Yes, I can see that. And I too have good news. Alec is going to give me the photographs of myself tomorrow" informed Genevieve.
"He is?" Questioned Tom.
"Yes. He's invited me for dinner tomorrow, after which he will give me the photos. And trust me, I will not be leaving that house until I have them. Then once they are in my possession, I never have to see him ever again".

"It is fate that this is all happening at the same time. Tomorrow you will put your past behind you forever. And the day after that, I will break into Hepzibah's house and steal Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's cup" announced Tom.
"I'm surprised you were able to leave her house. I would've thought that you would have been too tempted to take the items with you. And I'm even more suprised that you're willing to wait a few days before getting your hands on them" admitted Genevieve.
"I had to be sensible, like you. I knew it wouldn't have been a good idea to kill her and take the items, then and there. I also wanted to give you a warning, before we drop everything and leave this life behind".

"Wait, are you saying that once you've taken the items, we are going to disappear?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Yes. It is time to start the process which will end with me ruling over the world forever. Once I have the locket, there is no reason for me to work at Borgin and Burkes, nor for you to work in the Coffin House. We will finally put Tom Riddle and Genevieve Walden behind us, and become the people we were always meant to be" answered Tom.
"Two days is not much time. I thought I would have longer to pack and say goodbye to people" admitted Genevieve.

"We are not close to anyone but my death eaters, and they will be coming with us. So you don't have to say farwell to anyone. The two of us will just disappear" informed Tom.
"What about work? Do we hand in our notice, or just vanish?" Asked Genevieve.
"It would be too suspicious if we handed in our notices before we get what we need from Hepzibah Smith. We don't want anyone, especially her, to suspect us. So, we have to act normal until then" replied Tom.

"Once it's done, I guess we won't be coming back here again" sighed Genevieve, as she began to look around at their home.
"This was only meant to be temporary lodgings. We were never going to spend the rest of our lives here" reminded Tom.
"I know, but it was our first home together, so I'm going to miss it" admitted Genevieve.
"It is small, but I suppose it did serve its purpose. We will be moving around a lot, very soon. But once I am powerful enough, and have learned all the dark magic I will need, to overthrow the Ministry, we will settle down, I promise. I told you that I would buy you a mansion, so that we could live like kings and queens, and I intend to keep my promise".

Genevieve smiled, "You always keep your promises".
Tom rested his hand on Genevieve's face, "Yes, I do. And you know that I would do anything for you".
"I am going to sacrifice a lot for you, so you had better make it worth it. I am leaving behind my job, my friends and my home, to travel the world with you and your followers. I don't even know when I will speak to another woman again, once we leave here. I am going to be surrounded by men for the forseeable future" replied Genevieve.

"My men would never so much as look at you, let alone touch you" reassured Tom.
"That's not what bothers me. I get that world domination is a very masculine environment, but I'm still not happy about speaking to only men for the rest of my life" admitted Genevieve.
"Once we have finished travelling and learning about the dark arts, we will return to England. Here I will build up my army, which will contain people of all genders. And then you will not feel so outnumbered" insisted Tom.
"Until then, I am going to be stuck with you, Dolohov, Nott, Rosier, Avery, Lestrange and Mulciber".

"I am lucky to have such a devoted fiancè" said Tom.
"Yes, you are. And speaking of me being your fiancè, I don't suppose you plan on marrying me anytime soon?" Asked Genevieve.
"Not while we are on the move, no. But once we come back, we will settle down, and then I will marry you" answered Tom.
"I suppose I will just have to wait until then. You're lucky I am so patient. Not all girls would wait like me"
"But you are not like other girls"
"No, I'm not".

Tom began to kiss Genevieve, as his arms wrapped around her.
She jumped up, and locked her legs around his waist, before placing her arms around his neck.
He pushed her back against the wall, as his lips moved from her face down her neck.
"I would wait for you, for all eternity" admitted Genevieve.
"I know you would" grinned Tom.
"Since we might not be alone together for quite some time, we should make up for it now" replied Genevieve.
"Is that a challenge?"
"Quite possibly"
"Well then, challenge accepted. And I'll make sure to leave as many visible hickey's as I can, to make your blackmailer as jealous as possible"
"That's mean. But I have absolutely no intention of stopping you".

Tom smiled and began to carry Genevieve towards the bedroom, "I thought you'd say that".
"What can I say? I am madly in love with you, and there is nothing I wouldn't do for you, or wouldn't let you do to me" admitted Genevieve.
"And since you have given up everything for me, I had better remind you why you chose me" replied Tom.
"Come on then, I expect to be thoroughly entertained"
"Whatever you say, my queen".

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