Wands and school

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Holly was having a really hard time not laughing.

All week Steven ( she still couldn't get over that name, it was too close to Steve for her to take seriously), had been acting in a way that made Holly think that Collin Creevey was tame.

So, when Tom came to her complaining about Steven following him around all the time and staring at him when he was sleeping, she was having a really hard time not laughing about the mental image of Collin Creevey harassing Voldemort for a picture or an autograph.

Unfortunately, Tom noticed the look on her face and pouted, "It's not funny Holly, I can't go to sleep without his eyes in my face!"

"Did you ask him not to do that?" She asked trying so hard to not lose her composure.

"Yes, but he said that he liked it because my face is warm! That's gross Holly."

"Tom, snakes need to touch warm things to get warm, of course, he's cold! Did you think about making Steve a bed or something warm so he wouldn't try to sleep on your face?"

"His name is Steven, Holly. Merlin, it's not that hard."

He had started using that expression after he had heard her use it once after bashing her toe against the door. He looked so proud to use a wizarding word, and he was trying to insert it into every sentence he could. It was, so cute that she had taken him back to Diagon Alley to get more books. He couldn't be found without one and Holly was pretty certain that they'd have to make another trip to the bookstore.

********** (Timeskip)

Tom looked up from his newest book on magical schools, one she was certain he would enjoy immensely. She also hoped that this would increase his receptiveness for what she was about to do now.

She had decided that it was time for him to go to school. Even though he was too young for Hogwarts there were many other schools around the world for him to attend and most of them were much more accepting of darker magics. After all, Tom is and will always be on the dark side of the magic affinity spectrum and she didn't think that him growing up in wizarding Brittain as a dark half-blood would do anything to discourage his resentment towards magic, and his' starting of a magical war or two.

She was sure that Tom would benefit from learning about the dark arts from unprejudiced people.

"Holly! There's a school in Greece that starts at birth! Can I go? Pleaseeee"

"I was actually thinking of that school in Austria, the prominent schools tend to teach in English, so unlike that greek school you could actually understand what they are saying."

"Can I? Oh please, please, please Holly"

"Of course you can Tom, I was actually thinking about this last week and set up for us to on a tour tomorrow. Would you like that?"

Tom only nodded his head furiously. and Holly smiled fondly at him.

"If that's the case we need to get you a wand soon, you'll need it for school!"

Suddenly shy he asked, "are you sure I will even get accepted, Holly?" She had to crouch down to meet his eyes. "Of course they will let you in, you are so smart, Tom, and I know that you will grow up super powerful too."

"Really?" he asked his eyes glinting with determination.

"Of course, Tom never doubt yourself."

Once the hesitation had eased from his face he broke out with an excited look. "Can we go to get a wand now?"

She looked at him with a smile and he felt the pull of apparition.


Holly didn't love apparating to different countries, it felt really uncomfortable and left her winded because normally it shouldn't be possible, being the Master of death had its perks, but Tom really didn't seem to mind he was jumping up and down, "Where are we? That was a much longer jump than the one we do for Diagon Alley. It was so fun! Will it be the same on the way back?"

"We are in Germany, Tom. The wandmaker in England doesn't give wands to kids before the age of 11. There is one here named Gregorovitch that does." The rest of Europe was far more lax on underage magic, there weren't any real restrictions and they thought the trace, that the British had to be completely ridiculous.

She lead him towards an old-looking building and opened the door for him.

Tom was beaming throughout the entire experience and when they came out he was brandishing his Hawthorn and phoenix tail wand around so much so that Holly was concerned that he would, in his excitement accidentally set something on fire.
The rest of the day was passed in a happy haze that consisted of Tom insisting Holly show him how to do half the spells that were in one of the books he had read.
Tom picked up each spell ridiculously fast and Holly felt the proudest she had felt in a while.


Tom slept very well that night. He was completely drained from trying so much magic in one night and Steven was sleeping on the heated bed Holly made for him. Dreaming about the day to come.



Hey everyone! 20k reads??? What you guys are crazy and I love you. Because this was short I'll be updating this weekend. Tom's going to school! Who's excited, I sure am thank you for all the comments and votes. You are all the best.


Willow <3

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