part 1

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"Hello?" I whispered into the darkness that surrounds me my heart trying to beat its way out of my chest. I look around frantically but I was just greeted with more darkness. "Is anyone there?'' I close my eyes trying to calm my beating heart 'its okay Caitlin, you're probably just dreaming any minute now Buster will coming running in to wake you up for school like he does every morning'. I waited and waited for what felt like an eternity before I heard to faint sound of someone running. I run towards the sound as fast as I can "hello? Is anyone there? " I panted hunched over trying to catch my breath. That's when I started to get this weird feeling I was being watched, the hairs on my arms stood on end as I slowly stood up. I froze when I heard a deep menacing growl coming from the darkness behind me. I was torn between turning around and facing whatever is behind me or making a run for it, too scared to move my feet remain planted to the ground. Chills ran down my spine when I suddenly felt the creature breathing heavily down my neck. 'Oh god this is how I die, I'm only 17 my life hasn't even started. I haven't even kissed a boy! Too busy trying to get into UNI to worry about stuff like boys and dating.' I gasp in pain as the creature slide its a claws down my side not deep enough to draw blood but enough for it to hurt. He chuckles clearly he has no intention of making this a quick kill.

I command myself to move, to run, to fight, to do something than just stand there. I hear the creature growl, his attention on something else frustrated that his hunt was interrupted. "Get away from her!" someone says. Then I hear a ripping sound followed by growling and snarling, someone shoves me forward so hard I nearly lost my footing "you shouldn't be here, get out of here Caitlin, run and don't look back" without another word or sense of direction I ran.


I sat up in my bed and look around wildly my heart racing. I hear Lily whining trying to get my attention, "hey girl I'm okay it was just a bad dream" I pat my bed giving her permission to come up and I start to stroke her soft golden fur. I look over to my alarm clock and see its only 5am I lay back down with a sigh with no hope of going back to sleep. Lily curls herself at the foot of my bed and is fast asleep snoring, "sweet dreams girl" I get out of bed and slip into my pink fuzzy slippers and bathrobe to match, before walking out my room. I quietly place my ear against my parent's room door, 'good they're still asleep; I'll have a nice hot shower. Plus I'll have some time to myself and don't have to answer another round of questions about college. I still haven't decided where I wanted to apply, sure I have the grades to get in anywhere but I'm just not sure if I'm ready to leave home and be on my own.' I make my way past Buster's room and into the bathroom, I reach into my robe pocket fishing for my phone to play my morning playlist. As my hand graze the soft fabric instead of my phone I mentally roll my eyes 'oh great I forgot to grab it, I can't go back now'. With a heavy sigh I look into the mirror to see a girl who looks just like me. She has the same soft hazel eyes, the same long wavy brunette hair that slightly curls at the end, the same soft tanned skin tone. I'm not super model hot but I know I was gifted with my moms hazel eyes and her high cheekbones. Thanks to a facemask I put every night before bed I don't have a face full of pimples and growing up with braces I have the most stunning smile.

Fresh out the shower I walk back to my room greeted by my lily, a golden retrieve I got as a Christmas gift one year. I chuckle remembering how unhappy my parents were to hear my Aunt Judy got me a dog, Lily would get into all kinds of trouble as a pup.

I looked over at my wolf howling at the moon themed clock that my best friend Amy got me for my 16th birthday, that now sits on my bedside table. My sweet sixteen was one of the happiest days of my teen life, and that clock was my best present I opened that day minus the car my parents got me. The clock started howling, which always caused Lily to howl along with it, 6am time to get ready for the first day as a senior at Northwell High. I was rummaging through my closet when there was a knock at my door.

"Sweetie, are you ready for your first day of school? Do you want me to drop you off?"

"No mom, we agreed you would let me drive myself to school remember. Plus I'm seventeen don't you think I need to start being more independent." I yell over my shoulder as I find my shoes and slip them on.

"I guess you're right, ill try not to baby you. My baby is all grown up." I open the door to find my mother holding little Buster with watery eyes, "Mom...I know you will miss me, but I'm not leaving yet you still have a whole year to baby me around plus Buster will need all that attention not me" I smile and hug her.

Lily jumps up yipping and whining wanting her morning walk. "Down girl, down. Go get your leash and we will go out" I watch as she runs down the stairs to fetch her leash. I walk down following her; my eyes lingering on each picture that coats the wall, each one a younger version of me, it was as if I was walking back in time at the same time as I walk towards my future. I had a weird feeling that something was going to happen but before I can dwell on the feeling Lily runs up to me tail wagging with her leash hanging from her jaw. "Good girl." I patted her head and hooked her up to the leash and walked to the small dog park at the end of the street. Its not really a dog park but it's the only place in the park that's fenced in where I can let Lily run free without the fear of her running into traffic.

As we made our way into the fenced in area of the park Lily started tugging at the leash growling and barking "Lily your acting strange, calm down relax I'm letting you go" the moment I unhooked her she dashed forward towards a rather large black dog with bright yellow eyes at the far end of the park. Lily stopped short from the other dog her fur bristling up and the started to circle each other "Lily come back! Come here girl!' I yell after her scared she might get hurt, Lily looked at me and at the split moment the other dog jumped over the fence taking the opportunity to flee. "Lets go home..." I looked back towards the direction the other dog disappeared to before leaving the park.

"Caitlin, Is that you dear?" my mom shouts from the kitchen as I close the door behind me. "No it's the breakfast burglar. I've come to eat all you bacon and pancakes" I walk into the kitchen grinning as my mom holds out a cup of coffee for me "Oh and Amy is here she's in the dinning room with Buster and your father eating breakfast" she turns around and places two chocolate chip pancakes on a plate and hands it to me " Go eat before your late for school'

"Hey home girl where you been, I messaged you like over a hundred times" she says over a mouthful of pancakes "Did you know your mom makes the BEST pancakes ever"

"Sorry I left my phone in my room charging while I walked Lily. What happen?" I sat down taking a sip of my coffee enjoying the way it warms me from the inside out.

"Yuck I don't understand why you drink that stuff, I much prefer tea or OJ in the morning. However, this is senior year and I say we end our last year with a bang. No more writing for the school newspaper or spending or free time in the library. I say we have some fun this year. OH how about we go shopping after school and start looking for prom dresses. No it's too early for about we join some non educational club like the gaming club that might be fun." I chuckle and drown Amy out as she goes on and on like she does every year. "Hmm maybe it would be nice to change things up this year. I might even get my first kiss on prom night"

"Hello! Earth to Caitlin, is anyone home? Lets go" I snap out of my daze and realized Amy has been trying to tell me to hurry up or we will be late.

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