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Gaon decided to take a walk on his own around the local park. He has started to walk after a few days and tomorrow he returns to duty. He knew his first mission would be to find out who it was that wanted to hurt him. He was walking slowly when he felt someone was watching him. He felt uncomfortable. But three years in the police has taught him quite some reflexes.

He went to a bench to sit on. And then looked in no particular direction. But he saw someone watching him intently. Following his every move.

It was the mafia Kang Yohan. He was in casual jeans and a gray sweater.

Gaon was confused as to why he would be there. But one question strikes his mind. Was it Kang Yohan who hurt him that night?

He leaves the park after some time making sure Kang Yohan wasn't there anymore. While reaching home only one thought was circling his mind. Was it really Kang Yohan?

On the way home he found another plant that he took in. He puts it on his roof with all the other plants. And then goes on with his life.

Kang Yohan just gets back to the mansion from the park. He went to check on the man he saved. He was so shocked at first. How can this even be possible? He looks so similar!

Kang Yohan thought, can two people be this similar?

He was lost in thought while walking through the corridor to his room when a teen girl's voice stopped him.

"Oi, you don't normally go for morning walks. Did someone piss you off?"

"Yeah! You!" The older man retreated back. The way this uncle and niece duo are always on each other's throats feels like it's a movie and these two are the protagonist and the antagonist. Let's not mention who's who, because everyone probably has an idea. "The way you asked seemed like you almost were worried about me."

"Of course not." The young girl panicked.

"I said almost!" Kang Yohan shakes his head and goes away leaving the akassi behind.

This is what the house help Madam Ji has to face almost everyday. She's an old caretaker of Yohan and now Elijah. When Yohan was just a newborn baby he was given to a young Madam Ji to be taken care of. She raised him by herself along with his older brother Isaac. She saw the ups and downs of this family. She saw the old madam die. She saw the old master die too. And then it was somehow master Isaac and his wife's turn to leave the world unfortunately. And she's been taking care of Elijah ever since.

She knew this family more than she knew herself. So when she saw Yohan going out for a walk she was more than surprised. But just like Elijah she also thought Yohan went out to make trouble.

She saw Yohan leave to go to his room and left the place to make lunch.

Yohan was in his room sitting on his bed with some files. It was evident that he was trying to make himself busy. The reason? Of course not known. But while working he was talking to himself.

"So similar! How?"

He was definitely going to find out more about him. This man has piqued his interest.

The next afternoon Gaon went to Soohyun again. He wasn't injured again, he didn't need a dressing of the wound. He just wanted a friend. He didn't have much work in the police station other than patrol. So he was getting bored. Also he needed to sort out some things. So he just went to his best friend to vent.

"Soohyun ah. I need to get the details of Kang Yohan's movements these few days. Before I got injured."

Yoon Soohyun looks at him, understanding very well what he was planning on his head.

"Gaon ah. You're not really going to do that, don't you?" Her voice sounded filled with uncertainty. She wasn't sure if she should agree with her friend knowing very well the risk factors. And she just wanted her friend to be safe.

"I'm going to do it." He looks at the busy woman in her medical shrubs. "I think Kang Yohan has a connection with whatever is happening. I need to know."

"Gaon ah. If you think that's the only way you can solve this case, I won't stop you. But I'll just tell you what you're risking. It's your own life. At the end of the day if you get hurt, it won't be good. I can't afford to lose you."

The eyes of the prison doctor were glassy and uncertain. It was obvious that it was taking a lot for her to keep the tears at bay.

Kim Gaon looked at her and realised what he was risking. A lifetime of pain for this one person who has always been there for him. He knew what he was doing. But he had to know the reasons. He had to find out everything that was happening behind the scenes.

So he just embraced her reassuring that everything will be alright.

Maybe it will. Maybe it won't. Only time can tell.


Hey guys here's a rushed chapter! I'm literally trying hard to keep my eyes open... But I can't just give up on the idea that came up!

So that's it for today!
All the love
C 💕

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