1 Barricade

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It's finally here! The update some have been asking for! Thank you for being so patient and waiting for the sequel! I hope you enjoy and please comment! Thank you!

Ultra Violet's POV
I peered around the corners of our cave base. Elita-1 wasn't anywhere in sight. How is it so hard to find one bot when there's only five bots total? That makes no sense whatsoever! I growled to myself. I kept walking around the base, I hope she turns up soon.

I turned the corner only to knock into a blue femme stacked with data pads. "Umph!" The big mountain of data pads tumbled down on top of me. "Oww!"

"Sorry!" she gasp.

"It's fine." I rubbed the top of my helm gently. "No problem really. What are you doing with these data pads anyways?"

"It's a little errand I'm doing for Flareup. Being the a new medic and all I decide to get a few data pads from Ratchet for her. Well she asked me to get some anyways, I also found a few in storage on our ship." She bent down to pick up the data pads.

"Need any help? I need to look around anyways."


"I'm looking for Elita." I bent down to help her pick up the data pads. A few of them had their class broken, only slightly.


"So Chormia, are you like Flareup's nurse?"

"Yea. Just for the meantime until Lancet gets here. Elita said it would be about two solar cycles."

"Well that's great. We're getting a medic? Do you know how Lancet looks like?"

"Yep. Her frame is completely white with a few splotches of dark red on her helm and legs."

"She sounds nice."

"Not really. She's not really the nicest bot out there but she gets the job done with no complaints. Plus she hates weapons. I can't even get near her because she starts yelling at me that weapons aren't allowed. I think she hates me. I never did anything to her, in fact I try to help her!"

We didn't say anything for the rest of the trip and I never saw Elita. When we finally got the data pads to Flareup. She was in recharge atop a few data pads.

"We should leave her to rest."

"You know, for a bot who loves war with the deepest of her spark, your really kind."

"Only to friends. You have a problem with somebot, your not facing them alone. Not as long as energon is pumping into my spark."

I smiled. It's nice for someone to vow to protect you every mini cycle of your life. "I have to go now. I still need to find Elita."


I skipped on out and rounded the corner to the her berth room and knocked on the door.

"Elita?" I whispered to the door. I slowly opened the door and had a look inside. Her room was a bit messy, she had data pads clustered on her desk and a few bolts were splayed across her berth. Why would her room be so messy? She's neat as far as I can tell.

"Yes?" The voice came behind me.

"Elita! You-you scared me." I looked away from her room and closed the door. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to rummage through your stuff."

"It's alright, could have happened to anybot."

"Right. Hey do you mind if I go visit the autobots? I hope it's not to much of a bother, I mean I could come back other time and-"

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